How can I make him want me again?

I cannot stand feeling like this anymore. I have to practically beg my husband for sex. Anytime I touch him, kiss him or go near him he shuts me down and not in a nice way. No matter what I do he has something nasty to say about. I'm just so tired of having my feelings hurt and him saying if you did this or that I wouldn't have to hurt your feelings. I don't know what to do. I want to do it back to show him how it feels but I love him too much to be mean. I'm so lost right now, we were laying in bed and I found myself looking at him wishing he was someone else.


  • Y do u think he's being like this
  • @Roxy I have no idea. That's what really bothers me. My first instinct says he is cheating, but I'm a very insecure person so I always think that about everyone. I guess I would say I've accepted being put last for three years and now he just doesn't care because he knows ill take whatever he gives.
  • Talk to him, let him know thats unacceptable. Tell him u need love too
  • @emy I don't know how or what to say to him. It always ends up turned around on me and I end up apologizing for no reason. I have told him so many times that he hurts my feelings and he just says well if you were dumb I wouldn't have to say you were. Or if you brushed your teeth (after I just did, I smoke) I wouldn't have to tell you your breath stinks. Or he will jerk away when I kiss him and wipe his mouth off. Ugh I just want to cry every time he says anything. It's always mean or pointing out my flaws
  • Sounds like some thing bothering him. Do u guys fight alot? He sounds like he's tired. U guys been together for 3 years? is this first time he acts like this
  • a woman can only take so much.. talk to him..if he doesn't listen then u needa give him a wake up call!!! nd show him!! sucks to say n I kno u dnt wanna do that but every woman has a breaking point!
  • @Roxy we have been fighting a lot lately but mostly over him acting like this. This is the first time he has said hurtful things to me, but the sex problems have been going on for years. In the beginning we had sex a tonnnn and then it has decreased to once every couple weeks and that's if I beg for it. What do you mean by tired? Like physically or tired of the relationship?
  • @naliibaby2 I'm like a doormat to him. The other day I actually starting feeling like his is with me and not his ex because she was very strong willed and he wants a girl that will be his rag doll. He acts like my father. I just don't know what I can do to get his attention or make him care.
  • Tierd of relationship, but u said sex hasnt been good for years if hes not giving it up go get it eles were thats what guys do if woman dont give it up lol idk i would just play Hes game what more can u do if you already tryed talking to him. Ur only hurting ur self more with hes rejeCkions
  • Kick his ass to the curb and get a new boo...he's gonna keep acting that way bc u let him. Me personally, I would leave him. Sounds like he's eventually gonna leave u bc he's not happy
  • Its emotional abuse. He rationalizea his behavior to you by saying whatever you're doing is what 'makes' him say or do rude things. It's a no win situation, especially if he knows you'll apologize for something even you know is not your fault. 1) your partner should never call you stupid. 2) behavior is not always motivated by another person's behavior. 3) what he is doing to you he will more than likely do to your children as well. My stepfather was like this and he made us miserable. My mother continues to be his doormat while all of her children have walked away and stayed away.
  • I know it might be hard but ignore him, like go out of your way to avoid him until he finally goes to you. It works 90% of the time!
  • I agree with @mom2ING make him feel so attracted to you and then shut him down for a bit. My boyfriend and I had a falling out a month after my son was born I moved out of our apartment and everything and I felt like he didn't want to be with my anymore and he didn't really talk to me. I got the attention elsewhere and my bd FREAKED. Now I am currently back in my apartment and cuddling with my boyfriend :) hate to say it but jealousy does wonders
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