Pea sized lump around anus area

edited February 2012 in Parenting
Last week I noticed a pra sized lump around my anus area, irena not painful or doesn't itch at all I looked it up on the internet and it says it could be a hemorrhoid. I wanna know if any of you guys hav e has this, if so how long did it take to go away?


  • Are you pregnant
  • You can get hemriods and not be pregnant

    Sounds like on to me, you can buy hemriod cream, tucks pads with witch hazel and it should help not sure how long it will take to go away but if it stciks around you can go see a dr about it.
  • Yes its a hemorrhoid. You can use tucks and creams if it is symptomatic and painful. They can shrink or move back into the rectum, but they don't go away without surgery :(
  • Tucks pads. They are thin little circle shaped fabric/cotton soaked in witch hazel. It helps to ease swelling and pain from a hemorrhoid. They can also be used to reduce vaginal swelling after birth. They are great.
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