Was this a sleep terror or what?

edited February 2012 in Sleep
Last night my daughter (8 months old) was sleeping and all of a sudden started crying like when she falls and gets hurt..she wouldn't stop for like twenty minutes no matter what I did...she didn't open her eyes the whole time she was doing this. Was she having a night terror? If not then what was it? She has never done this before


  • Sounds like a night terror if they don't wake up. My son used to have them all the time. A sleep therapist said night terrors are super common in young children and most often occur to 3 yr olds. There's nothing to worry about. They say don't try to wake them, just make sure theyre not hurting themselves. On a happy note, they don't remember anything. Just you unfortunately. And they said it happens more of the child is overly tired. That was the case most often for my son.
  • I just tried to comfort her and sing to her rock her, nothing worked but after 20+ minutes she just stopped I rocked her a little while longer then layer her down and she didn't do it again. It freaked me out though I had no idea what was going on
  • Ya sounds like it. My oldest had them all the way until she was 5 and still does sometimes. It's caused by a number of things from being over tired to stress. I know I know what does a kid have to be stressed about right? Lol anything can trigger stress such as a change in routine. But yeah dont wake em up, What happens is in children they have a stage 4 sleep and when the transition from stage 3 to 4 is trying to happen, something in the brain is misfiring and not allowing a smooth transition into stage 4, so trying to wake them messes with that process an does more damage than good.
  • It was probably from being over tired since she skipped her afternoon nap and wouldn't go to sleep until two hours after her bedtime
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