Facebook for your baby?
I didn't know what category to put this under..anyways..I know some people who have made a Facebook for their children, the one boy is 3 the other is 1, then another person I know made their 6 month old a fb...what are your thoughts on this? I think (no body take offense its a personal opinion) that it is completely stupid! Idk what these parents are thinking making these fbs for their kids who are way to young to use it themselves! Then they update their status like "pwaying wit muh lil bro Mason" I'm not sure if they are trying to make it look like the kid typed it by misspelling words or what its just stupid in my opinion & I don't see a point in it at all...I know my 8 month old wont be getting one anytime soon or my 5 yr old stepdaughter
@2ndbutfirst ^:)^