so proud of my little boy (npr)
Not sure if its the right category...he is two and I thought it would be terrible but turned out great:) with expecting a new son in Apr we were debating about just getting a toddler bed for by two year old (just turned 2 Jan 6th). First my fiance was against it...we were crib shopping and happened to see a cars 2 toddler bed...of course wonderful man he is
says maybe we should just get the toddler bed bc Xavy will be ready soon and then we will have just bought a crib and have to go Otto and get a toddler bed. (Which mind you was my argument the whole time) So I agree. We get home I put it together bc I don't.let him do that bc it'll be backwards and upsidedown, lol. My son saw it and went nuts, loved it. The first night I tell him its bed time...he gets right in and slept the whole night. The second night wasn't as easy he went in by himself but middle of the night woke up and he stayed in it but sat there talking to himself, which I could hear on the monitor so I got up and was up with him. Other than that he has been great every other night:) Goes in I tell him time to brush your teeth and go to bed, he heads to the bathroom brushes his teeth and goes right to his room and hops in bed. I am totallyhappy it worked out and he likes it. My daughter didn't get her bed til she was almost 3 so we made a decision and crossed our fingers it would workout...I can't say enough how.much kids amaze me:):)