boys & girls sharing a room...

edited February 2012 in Parenting
So I'm watching the season finale of Tori & Dean and I'm shocked that they are forcing Liam and Stella to share a room. In my opinion, once kids are old enough to know the difference between boys and girls they should have some privacy! Plus they have already had their own space. What do you think?


  • edited February 2012
    What is their reasoning for it? I don't know about everywhere but in Ohio they can take your kids away if they share a room (opposite sex) after a certain age. Some people are in a situation to where they have no choice but that's obviously not the case with tori and dean. My kids won't share a room (same or opposite sex) because I do think they need their privacy. But some people don't have any other choice. Personally I'd sleep on the couch to give my children their own rooms.
  • My kids share right now bc we live in a older house where our room is upstairs and the rest downstairs. The kids are downstairs bc the bathroom is downstairs...weird I know but it was built in the 1800's. They share but we are moving him into another room, it doesn't have doors so that's why we held off on moving him, but with the new baby comin and my daughter getting to the age where she needs space we are getting doors and painting the room for the boys. Its such a weird setup here I hate it:(
  • @second_time_mommy7 they moved into a smaller house, but didn't really give another reason. And their son was really upset about it and Dean basically said TS. It's funny you said that, cuz we grew up pretty poor and my mom could never afford more than a 2 bdrm apartment and she slept on the couch for years so my sister and I could have our own rooms when we got older (9 & 13). She knew even though we were both girls we were at an age where we needed our own space.
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  • I always had my own room but when our house burnt down during my 8th grade yr our family of five had to live in a two bedroom house which meant I had to share my room with one of my brothers. It sucked but luckily we got along. So I can see it in that case but they have room so why make them share???
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