Sad, depressed & don't understand

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm 16 wks & starting to feel better physically. My first trim I was sooo tired, sick, adjusting, moody everything. My bf doesn't live with me & I didn't really want him around much then cause I lived in bed, didn't feel well & wasnt emotionally able to handle him. (he can be stubborn & likes to tell me how to save money) well now that.I'm better, he.doesn't get that I was really.sick.& couldn't stop crying. He thinks I got preggo & pushed him away. He's so stubborn, & I don't know how to fix it. I asked could we just move forward rather then arguing over who's right & he tells me this can not be buried. He claims he will be supportive, but has done nothing except ask how I feel. I told him to really be supportive means to swallow your pride & realize that the most important thing now is to enjoy this & be happy. Instead he is negative to me, cuts down everything I say & tells me why would he be fake when he is miserable & that I wasn't a girlfriend to him & refuses to work on anything. What should I do? He has honestly made me so un happy I don't even want to work on things with him. I will never admit to not being there because I was.sick & he is a stupid jerk for not understanding that. I can't even believe I want his opinion in naming our baby when he has done nothing but make this 1 & only experience miserable for me.


  • @ Tlg81 I went through the same thing im six weeks also when is ur due date???...but anyways i think the problem is there feelings are hurt my bf didn't see me for a month and a half all i did was sleep and throw up now why wud i want him to see that disaster lol but i explained why and he couldn't get it through his thick head but now that u feel better try to go on a date or spend some time with him and throw in ur feeling a lil better and that the pregnancy really had took its toll on you eventually mines came around and even babies me sometime maybe urs will too lol
  • Sweetheart he obviously doesn't want to be in a relationship and is beating around the bush about it. If I were you I would just let him go and focus on you and your baby. If he wanted to be there and support you he would of let the past stay in the past and move forward. You and your baby are the most important thing and he can't see that. I hope things work out for you. Stay strong and keep your head held high sweetie.
  • @shevybad, ha ha well at least I'm not the only one. He really thinks I was pushing him have no clue, yet they claim they do. @baby4ontheway, thanks for your support. Its just so.frustrating cause we had a miscarriage in aug & had been trying for more then a year to conceive & now that our dream has come true, he doesn't get how pregnancy can actually be on the body. I'm 30 and this is my first & last whew its a ton! @shevybad I'm due aug. 17
  • @Tlg81 im due aug 18 =)
  • HA! That's.awesome @shevybad
  • @Tlg81 I have been in your situation and I had to come to the decision to remove myself and my son from a negative environment. Its hard and sometimes it sucks but if you stay strong and do what is best for yourself and your baby it will all work out. And just remember your have thousands of ladies that will support you in your journey.
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