Nineteen kids and counting

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
Michelle duggar pregnant again and this will be 20. Wow when is this woman gonna stop?


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  • Didnt she lose that one already? Its just old footage right?
  • She just miscarried at almost 20 weeks, didn't she? She is pregnant again after that? Smh. Usually I don't care what a woman does with herself, but in my opinion it is bordering on pure selfishness now. She needs to be around for her husband and other children.
  • Yea i'm pretty sure that's the funeral they had for the fetus. And they posted pictures with the fetus feet or something?
  • They had a funeral, it was a girl they named her jubilee. She was 16w when baby passed she gave birth like dec 11 or so? The day before or day after jaycies 2nd birthday the one that was born at like 28w or whatever!
  • They really need to stop having kids because she's older now and honestly isn't 19 enough?
  • Yea she did miscarry it was a girl they named her jubilee
  • They don't believe in birth control, they believe that it is Gods will by blessing them with so man children because the bible says something about not preventing children, I just had this discussion with my dad the other day. Okay, I get that you want yo obey God, but this is just too much. I would consider this a form of gluttony, and gluttony is a's gluttony of the vagina, if you will.
  • Hey if they can afford them, I don't see the problem. They aren't hurting anyone.
  • gosh.. WTF? isnt she old and grown enough to realize 19 kids are way more than enough o_O .. even though it is their life and they can do what ever they want ;-; i just think they have a tribe already made XD
  • I believe its their choice but considering the outcome of the last 2pregnancies they should quit, in my opinion. It seems her body isn't wanting to hold babies full term anymore.
  • I agree with @2ndbutfirst. They seem to be a well rounded family with good morals and can support the children they bring into this world. They believe its Gods will. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Just because she had a miscarriage she should stop? That's not right.
  • They need to quit! Her last two pregnancies have been horrible.. we all want to obey god but dang..and the older kids do all of the work.. they cook clean and take care of the younger kids.. and of course you'd be able to take care of 19 kids too if you were getting millions of dollars to broadcast your everyday life..she really need to realize that it would be easier to stop having children instead of having them die or almost die and be in horrible pain because of it
  • I would agree with it if she and her husband were the ones taking care of the kids but if you notice most of the time it's the older girls caring for the younger ones. But to each there own.
  • They WERE on bc before all the kids... so the not takin bc is bs!! They are not raising thier kids, thier kids are raising thier kids and so is the tv station... they lose the show they go on assistance so popping out kids is for keeping the show...
  • They have their own businesses & their vehicles & house is paid for. Those ppl are debt free. They stopped using bc because the wife kept having miscarriages & they felt God was punishing them. So that's why they don't use it. They had a boat load of kids before the show & weren't on any kind of assistance. I don't agree with them having their older kids do so much for the younger ones, but other than that I don't see the problem.
  • I think it is their lives and they should be free to do what they want, but I dont like how they say the reason is they dont believe in birth control. Many religions dont believe in birth control and many churches have classes on the appropriate ways to know when you are ovulating and how to prevent pregnancy naturally. I think they want to have more kids just to keep having them, not because they dont believe in birth control. Plus I hate how, IMO it seems, that the older boys are free to leave the house and go work real jobs and have their own family, but the girls have to stay living at home and raise the younger kids while cooking and cleaning. Why cant they leave and go off to college and get jobs outside of the home??? I do like the show and they seem like a good family with good morals, but why does it seem like the older girls are always doing everything, they never show the mom cooking dinner, or doing laundry, or cleaning the house, they dont even show her home schooling the little ones. To me she sits around with the "current" newborn and does not pay much attention to anyone else but her husband.
  • If she wants and god blessed het with all those kids then why care. She teaches her kids about everything. She is there for all of them and even her two grandkids
    Theu dont use warefare and everythin is either made by them or bought buy them. They are all happy and they want to show the world that they can b with should a huge family. Idk why ppl care aint like to putting to work all hrs of the day and night or making them strip or stuff like that. She loves her kids and this is what family is about. I love their show and will continue to watch it. Everyone of her kids enjoy helping and know its the right then to do, they live their life by god and love having new brother and/or sisters so idk why ppl say she wrong for being who she is and doing what she loves
  • She spent over half her life being pregnant!! That blows my mind!!! Lol I couldn't do it!
  • They arent having kids for a tv show. They have the show because they had so many to begin with. Everyone talks about her last 2 pregnancies but something like 1 out of 10 end in miscarriage anyway so the numbers add up. I would never do it myself but its her life & her body. She isnt on assistance and her children have amazing morals & seem very happy. We shouldnt judge just because we dont agree or understand
  • edited February 2012
    Lmfao @lilsugarsmomma "gluttony of the vagina" ha!

    Totally agree with everyone who mentioned the older girls not going to college (the family is independantly wealthy with real-estate money...and tlc paychecks). There was an episode with jessa (i think thats her name...the REALLY pretty one) talking about her potential male suitors. Either she's been brainwashed to stay home and take care of little ones, or she's a lesbian (total 50/50 toss-up, in my mind...).

    Also, mom (michelle) says the hardest time for parenting was when the first three (including 1 set of twins) were little. Makes me feel better about being so frazzled having 2 under 3yrs...
  • Also, my first was a premie (29-weeks)...and I caught a lot of flack for getting pregnant after (Plus, all the questions like "what did you do?" his pre-term birth was my fault). Well, my second baby arrived 4 hours after my due date...and, I did NOTHING differently but get progesterone shots.

    Long story short, I was really offended when people told me my body wasn't meant to carry babies full, they were wrong!!!
  • In my mind there is a difference between having a couple of children and experience a preterm birth compared to having 18 children. Our bodies can only handle so much, and hers has shown her that she no longer can. To continue to do so is putting her health at risk. Eventually she will develop a prolapsed uterus (if she hasn't already). And that is just one tiny little thing compared to attempting to bring more into this world that her body cannot handle. Her age is advancing and she will not only continue to put her own life at risk, but her future unborn children and her family. Selfish. My opinion. However, it doesn't affect me or my life. It is her body to do with as she pleases :) If she continues and something horrible happens, this girl will have no pity for her. Harsh, but my opinion.
  • I agree with you @jay_july1!!! That is exactly the way I feel!! They seem like they have it all right to me! If only all of society had their morals and up bringing that way! This world would be a better place!
  • @Davidnaadynsmama its actually 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriages! But in her case 1 in 10.
    Michelle has had 2 miscarriages. The first one was her 2nd or 3rd pregnancy she had been on birth control when she became pregnant so when she miscarried she never used birth control again. I love the show, but I would be worried of getting preg again if I were her. I remember her & jim bob saying something along the lines of if god allows it, 20 sounds like a good even number to end with. So we will see if she will allow herself to possibly get pregnant again or not. Her first miscarriage was very early on so she didn't actually have to give birth to a child that looked like a baby. Believe it or not the first miscarriage they believed was a boy.... And they named him caleb! Not j name. But they probably didn't have that theme yet!
  • Not anymore. She lost the baby because her body can't handle it was everywhere in the news a few weeks ago about how Dr after Dr keep telling her not to have anymore cause she's putting the babies and herself in danger...I think it's just sad :-/
  • edited February 2012
    I personally couldn't have that many kids but more power to them. They live completely debt free which is more than what most of us can say that have 1-2 kids. Their kids are respectful and have good morals so who is it for us to judge them because we don't live their beliefs. Like I said I couldn't do it but whatever floats their boat. Im still going to watch the show
  • edited February 2012
    Honestly she needs to stop. Her kids are starting to have problems. Plus I think her body can't take it anymore. But I have to say her kids are raised well. More people need to teach morals to their kids after all they are our future
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