help, please!

edited February 2012 in Babies Health
My daughter is 4 months old and she has 100°a fever. What should I do? She just had shots yesterday too


  • Give her a lukewarm bath but don't let her get cold... and if it gets higher a little bit of infants Tylenol
  • My lo was feverish for 2 days after her 4 month shots
  • @heyitsme so its somewhat normal? And thanks for the reply :-)
  • It's definitely normal for them to be a little feverish & fussy after shots.
  • Normal. Keep her cool and give her tylenol every 4 hours. My pedi always says to monitor your baby for the first 48 hours.
  • Yes normal. just try to keep her comfortable not too many layers
  • Its normal. Anything under 100.4 is normal. Anything over is considered a fever :)
  • @misstiff if you have any questions it doesn't hurt to call the doc. I do that whenever I'm not sure. I hope your little sweetie feels better soon :)
  • My Lo had her 4m shots yesterday too, same thing, fever. Her pedi said 1/2tsp of tylonol. It helped, it is completly normal. She also was a lil fussy & didn't eat as much
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