baby getting frustrated

edited February 2012 in Ages & Stages
My lo is fine and happy sitting in her bouncy seat for about half hour just watching me do whatever, but when I give her a toy she gets frustrated and cries a few minutes later! Its like she doesn't like toys! I know she's just learning to reach and grab things so maybe she is upset that she can't do what she wants with it? She's 4.5 months


  • I would just keep giving them to her. Sometimes repetition is best. She will learn! Im dealing with keeping her hands out of her mouth! That's like a full time job! Having her toys in her hands helps.
  • Keep trying with her! She'll catch on. Right now McKinley is frustrated that she couldn't pull herself up to stand. A few weeks ago she was frustrated she couldn't crawl! Keep positive, especially around her so she can see that its okay to not be able to do everything right away!
  • Oh my gosh! My 4.5 year old does the same thing! Its when she can't get it in mouth just the way she wants. Lol
  • @RayRay I hope you mean 4.5 month :) lol
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