bleeding since 01/16/2012

edited February 2012 in Health
Ohkay I got on the mirena a few weeks before this date And since the 16th of January I have been bleeding non stop what should I do should I get it taken out or What I need help ladies


  • Mine stopped about a month and a half after I got it placed.. i have had four periods since having it placed and my last one was only very light spotting ... stick it out another month or so
  • Mine didnt bleed much after getting it in but when i got it out a yr later i bled for weeks w huge blood clots and VERY VERY VERY heavy!
  • I had one and bleed 3 months straight then got it out.. how have you been I've been wondering about you! When did you have your baby?
  • @Mostepanite Ohkay I will I'm Just tired of wearing pads and tampons I will stick it out
    @mommyof3girls did You bleed When you had it in?
    @chelcie89 What happened to your period after and I'm good Wbu And I had her Oct 1st!
  • I spotted very lightly for a couple days after i got it in, then i had my normal period about a week later. Lightened my periods over time. Gave me horrible cramps the whole time. Are you bleeding heavy? If so i would b concerned but if its really light then its probably ok. Maybe can ur doc and just ask. Have u had a follow up?
  • Oops *call not can
  • My periods went to normal after words but that was in July of 08 I got it put in after a m/c and my doctor made me get it out after 3 months of bleeding said my body didn't agree with it.. and I've been great! What did you name her how was everything with labor how big was she? Give me details!
  • Me too! Iv bin bleeding since early January and Im getting pissed off too but Im going to keep it in a few mire weeks.
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