
edited February 2012 in Sleep
So Damien was sleeping through the night for a while ( bed at 8 eating around 5-6 then back to sleep) but for the past week he wont sleep at night!! He falls asleep around 830-9 and wakes up either every hour or wont even go back to sleep! I feel like ive tried everything! Idk y he wnt sleep at nite now i thought it would only last a day or 2 but its not! He will b 5 months on the 30th wait its feb.. the 1st i guess? Lol idk how that works. The only reason i can think of is cuz we took him to boston aquarium from ct which is like a 2 and a half hour ride each way and so he slept alllll day in the car but like i said i figured his schedule wld b back to normal by now.... How do i get him to sleep at night again? Oh yeah and he only takes one nap during the day and i try to keep him up and occupied as much as possible so he will b tired at night.. sorry so long just trying to give as much info as possible


  • Is he maybe over tired from being up all day?
  • He takes a good 2 hour nap during the day which is normal for him, its either a bunch of small ones or one long one, the aquarium trip was about a week ago
  • I dont prevent him from sleeping during the day if he is tired, i just make sure im occupying him when hes awake
  • My baby is 5 months and he had his time where he started waking up at night usually I put him in bed with me he goes back to sleep or if he already in bed I just lay him back down with his Paci and not play with him b/c I noticed if I lay him down and I just lay down with him he goes back to sleep but if I play with him he is up for the day LOL if he cry then I just get up (which he don't b/c really he still tired I think since he can move around so much now he wakes himself up)...
  • Hmm well mabe ill try letting him sleep with me tonight, bc when he sleeps during the day i sleep with him in my bed lately cuz ive been so tired i nap when he naps again lol, daddy wont b too happy about it but its worth a try. I just dont want him to get too used to sleeping with me that he wont sleep in his crib again. So for naps i guess i should just put him in his crib nd see how that goes today. Thank u
  • My son is going through the same exact thing. Will be 5 months the 29th... No idea what is up with him!!!
  • Well hopefully it goes back to normal soon i just dont get how hes up all nite and not super tired during the day, i cant keep up! Lol
  • Ughhhhh my son is doing the same!!! He use to sleep from 830 -4 ish and now its every hour to two hours that hes up ....and once 530 cones around its beyond hard to get him back to sleep... I start school soon n I wont be able to. Go if this keeps
  • ....up, he's 5 months... it shouldn't b worse then when he was a newborn right??
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