wanting more food...

edited February 2012 in Solid Foods
My lo is on 2tbls Oatmeal during the day at daycare and 2oz veggies at home.. They told me at daycare that he gets so upset when he is done and wants more... idk what to do. He has only been on solid food consistantly for 3 weeks and I dont want to overload him. Do I give him more?


  • I say give him more until he is full. He will let you know when he needs more or is done
  • @due_in_july Will it cause more problems in his gut? I dont want him to get to constipated...
  • I wouldn't think so if he has been on it for three weeks already
  • It never did with my kids. Just try it and see how he acts after
  • How old is your lo? Lillys 6 mo and she was doing the same so I started oatmeal with a little fruit for breakfast, 1 package of fruit for lunch and 1 package of veg for dinner. Formula all the other times. Her dr said as long as she gets 20-30 oz formula a day then its fine :) she sleeps through the night but for her thats 10-11 hours!! So she eats a lot during the day to stock pile I think ;) if the kids hungery, feed him!! Lol jmo :)
  • Also she eats her meals then finishes with formula..hope that makes sence. She eats the food then another 3-5 oz till she's full
  • @momtob He is 4 months and a week. Sent more to daycare for him. I just dont want him to have bunches of food and stop with his milk too. I sent 2x 5oz bottles and a 3oz for after his cereal (which I doubled the amount for) I know how much I send to daycare but I dont know how much he eats at home (breastfed) My hubby says Im just paranoid.. lol
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