To mom's who coslept (beyond infancy)

edited February 2012 in Babies
Did your baby(ies) ever regress in regard to sleeping through the night? My daughter who slept through the night at two months, began waking 1-2x per night at 7 months, is now (10 months) waking 3-5x a night. I stopped nursing her when she woke to take away her help. Meanwhile, my 2.5 yo, who I used the ferber method (modified...never let him cry for more than7-8 minutes) is the most amazing sleeper!!! However, he has behavior probs (& I always regretted not cosleeping). Any advice?


  • Every bby is differnt with their eating, sleeping, etc. I only cosleep with lily when shes takin naps and im awake or to get her back to sleep. Thts not quite helpful im sorry but it could be. My lo sleeps great during the night while my friends son is a terrible sleeper. Are u still bf her or formula feeding? I ask because my friend jus found out her son is lactose intolerant which they think might be causing the cranky sleeping.
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  • My son is 7 months and I've noticed that he wakes up during the night and cries, roots around a little bit then goes back to sleep. Also noticing that he wakes up super early now to eat, and then goes back to sleep..and he hasn't done that since he was around 3 months.
  • My baby started sleeping through the night but then i started getting lazy when she would ocassionally wake up and i would put her in bed with me till morning and once i started doing that she started waking up atleast 2 to 3 times a night and now i have her back to sleeping through the night in her crib. Oh and shes 8 months now
  • My son slept with me till almost 3yrs old.
  • My little brother slept with my mom til the age of 6.. he is 9 and still sneaks in her room.. is insane lol. But every kid is different
  • @newmomma13 thanks 4 the bump!!!

    @newmama16 both kids exclusively 2.5 y.o was 10 wks early (&as a result, a nicu to sleep with lights, bells, and alarms going off all the time...maybe made him a better sleeper?) Neither was lactose intolerant. My son was gassy, daughter has no digestion issues.

    @homebirthadvocate i've been attributing it to the fact that they're such different kids (polar opposites, actually). My 2.5 yo boy is REALLY active (lots of testosterone), my 10 mo girl (more serotonin) is MUCH more docile. He sleeps 15-16 hrs/day; I'm lucky to get 10 from her. I'd just really like to sleep for 6 straight hours again...and was wondering if the regression was commom (or a result of something I was doing...since im in new territory with this one)

    @steph_due_101611 I'd love for you to elaborate on the cosleeping experience with your son!!!

    @everyoneelse...ill get back to you in the a.m. w/ my ?s ... My daughter is ACTUALLY sleeping inthe crib (in our room)! So I'm gonna go try to catch some zzz!!!
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