when do you start...

edited February 2012 in Solid Foods
My daughter has been on stage one foods for almost two months now... when do you start stage two?


  • And is it just my grocery store, or are there only a few kinds of stage one foods? Like, flavor-wise..
  • I'm so desperately eager to start solids. O think it's so exciting...one more month for us. Sorry I don't have any answers...bump :-)
  • I don't even know what stage two is?! I've done almost all fruits and veggies that are in season, and now mix them together but she has no teeth still so I'm pretty limited.
  • Stage two is for sitters. As long as your baby can sit on their own it's okay to start
  • @Frida314 its a messy and exciting stage!

    @NatashaLynn if you're making your own food, I don't guess you'd have different stages! Lol! Come spring time, she'll have more options!

    @proudmomma thanks for answering! My grocery store only has a few stage one foods, and I'd like her to try more, but I guess we'll have to wait!
  • To be honest there isnt a huge difference in stage one and two except variety and a tiny bit of thickness. Try getting one thing of stage two.
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