The raspberry leaf experiment!

edited February 2012 in Third Trimester
My background: I have an almost 6 year old daughter. She was a FUN labour, NOT!!! I did drink rasberry leaf tea but not properly as directed and not every day. I ended up going 14 days late with a 20 hour pre labour and a 9 hour full labour with no drugs, back to back contractions, a posterior baby and I thought I was going to die!!!! Don't we all lol.

This baby: well I have had bh since I was 8 weeks pregnant! No One seemed too worried about it except me! Since 25 weeks they have become so strong and tight that I feel like I have been jumped by a sumo wrestler! They are much like full labour contractions without the pain or the baby. Once again that didn't seem to alarm anyone except me seeing as my brain feels as though it will POP when I'm having them! In the last 5 days or so, I have begun the"painful stage" much like the few weeks leading to labour. Sharp pains, tearing feeling in my belly etc. I really never thought I would go early as my daughter was so late but I guess we will see.

Raspberry tea: I have started the tea! Yesterday (31 weeks 2 days) I had my first cup and I still love it! Yum yum. I had one cup this morning and will have another tonight. I feel very mild bh after I drink it but who knows because I have them all the time!!!


  • I thought it was to make contractions stronger? If not, no wonder it didn't help ms with labour lol
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  • So you're trying to help baby come early? I'm lost.....
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  • I drank the tea too. I also didn't do it right though because I didn't like it but I was also taking the premrose (sp) oil pills. My doc told me that they would help get me ready for labor. Not help the baby come sooner.
  • Ohhh Haha gotcha. Well best of luck hun! I've only had one baby so I have no comparisons. I'd lobe to hear how it goes for you!!
  • @mom2ING @natashalynn @homeBirthAdvocate @mmy21nttc @mattandmallory27 yep its just to tone my uterus so that labour will HOPEFULLY be quicker!!! Not sooner. I thought I would just document it for everyone :) as I read up a lot about it, it also has a lot of nutrient benefits aswell as can either make bh less stronger or more stronger. They do advise if they get very strong, to stop taking the tea but so far I think they are less stronger thank god!!! It can also help you to not bleed for as long after. The baby is born but its main property is to open your cervix faster and make your contractions more powerful during labour. But only when your body is ready. It doesn't bring on premature labour :)
  • Cool! Glad its helping with your current contractions!
  • I started drinking it at 34 weeks with my daughter. I have nothing to compare it to but yes, it is for strengthening the uterus and totally safe.:) and raspberry tea is different from red raspberry leaf tea. :)
  • @devinedesign what's the difference? Like what does each do and how long was your labour? X
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  • @homebirthadvocate I'm drinking raspberry leaf tea but it says on the packet its used for pregnant women. Am I drinking the wrong one then?
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  • Lol @homebirthadvocate the one I have just says raspberry leaf tea. Is that ok?
  • So I forgot to drink as much yesterday. I only had 2 teas. I made a tea with 2 tea bags this morning cause drinking 4 teas a day is a bit intense lol I have what I think is a uti :( I have also gone from a lot of discharge to very dry and itchy... I wonder if that has anything to do with it? I'm a lot less uncomfortable now though. I have a lot less bh so my days are much more barable. If I don't drink it however, they are very very strong!! Let's hope this works!!! About to have another 2 teabag concoction!
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  • @ HomeBirthAdvocate red raspberry herb tea???
  • @homebirthadvocate I ended up looking it up and its the same stuff, I'm from australia n that's what we call it here :) I've had another 2 tea bag concotion this morning. Thinking about getting tablets. This is too hard lol!!!
  • edited March 2012
    I will be 33 weeks tomorrow!! I've been lazy and only having 2 tea bags a day. I only have 2 left before I run out :s think I will have to wait untill Monday to get more. I tried to get raspberry leaf tablets but the chemist didn't have any so I will have to look at the health food store on Monday (I don't think there open tomorrow). I also bought some evening primrose oil tablets. Gunna read up about them tonight and see when I should take them and how many to take! For 3 days I've been having what feels like an early labour contraction (period cramping getting stronger n stronger with lower back ache) but it lasts half an hour and then disappears. I have an appointment this Friday so I will ask then. Ill let u all know what's going on! Xo
  • edited March 2012
    @ mummy_to_be I have the evening primrose oil and in my experience it does help soften things a bit. Good Luck :) Oh BTW where did you get the tea? Can't find it
  • @heather3rdgirl I live in australia but I got it from a health food store :)
  • well i have been doing pretty bad the last couple of days and my partner is borrowing my car so i havnt been able to get my tablets and i ran out of tea. i definatly want to start taking them by sunday and i will be starting evening primrose oil tablets too. im having really bad heart pulpitations even when i am laying down so im trying very hard atm not to raise my heart rate! its also giving me panick attacks and i havnt been eating because i cant make food so im getting very dizzy too:( this sucks!!!!! 6 weeks 5 days to go!
  • edited March 2012
    Well I'm 34 weeks tomorrow but I STILL havnt got my rasberry leaf tablets :( my car was ridden off 3 days ago :( I'm not in the greatest place atm. Every time I walk I feel as if I'm busting and it hurts!! Bh have come back but not as strong. Except the day I had my car ridden off, I had VERY strong bh. I've been soo emotional and I've had a lot of personal problems so that doesn't help. Monday is a public holiday so I am going to try to get to the health food store on Tuesday. I REALLY want to start these tablets!!! Epo tablets orally start tomorrow :)
  • Ok 34 weeks and 3 days today and I FINALLY got some rl tablets :) now guess how many it says to take!!!!! 15 per day!! I'm gunna go broke lol! I just read a site that said 12 per day so I might go for that and as it gets cooler I might go get the tea again not that the price is much better. I had my ob appointment today and he said her head is much further down then last time. He is one of those docs that doesn't tell you anything unless you ask so I don't know if she is engaged because I didn't ask :s he also said at this moment she isn't posterior which is awesome but could easily change. Tmi but when I bend over it feels like I'm pushing her out my bottom lol!! So I think maybe she is engaged :) I also said to him that my daughters bday is 6 days after my due date and was wondering if I could get a stretch and sweep so that they aren't so close (as long as my body is ready) and he said of course to my suprise!!! I said when? He said when ever you like!! Umm ok so I said 37 weeks and he said that may not work and I realise my appointment would beat 38 weeks so at our next appointment we will discuss it and if I've dialated, I can have one at 38 weeks!! Of course nothing will happen if my body isn't ready but fingers crossed because that only gives me just under 3 weeks until my daughter birthday!!!! Let's hope the epo and rlt work!!!!
  • Where do you find that drink? Ive never heard of the Raspberry leaf tea.
  • I had red raspberry leaf tea and I had my first childs 3 months ago. My water broke a week early and it was only 13 hours after that, that I had her. It was super fast, easy. No tears which is a weird for someone my size so I think that stuff really works :)
  • @aishamusa you get it from health food stores. I live in australia so they used to sell it at woolworths (our supermarket) but they don't anymore so try a health food store. You can get it in tablets aswell. Read up about it. It does TONNES of good things. Helps if your trying to conceive, helps with period pain, helps with types of cancers, and most importantly, it helps with labour!!!!!
    @jules thanks hun!! I'm feeling good about this and its nice to hear stories where it worked!!
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