pediatric cardiologist

edited February 2012 in Babies Health
i was wondering how many people had to see a pediatric cardiologist and what was the outcome. At my sons two month appt the Dr mentioned that it sounded like he had a heart murmur but no big deal really. So when we went to his four month checkup the Dr seemed a little bit more concerned with the sound he was hearing and referred us to the cardiologist. Our appointment is next Thursday but was just wondering how many of you have been thru this?


  • My son had a murmur at his 2 year appt. He was sent to a peds cardiologist where they did a complete echo of his heart and did labs. He turned out to have a benign murmur, so that was good.
    Your doc probably wasn't concerned at the first appt because it's not unusual for the PDA (patent ductus arteriosis) to stay open for a while after birth. At two months, that should be closed, so now your doc is thinking of another lesion. The other really common one is a VSD which is a hole between the ventricles in the heart. Some close on their own and some need surgery. Hopefully you get nothing but good news at the appt. Good luck. :)
  • They picked up a murmur on my son at two days old in the hospital nursery. To my dismay, he was instantly transferred to the children's hospital for an ultrasound. He was diagnosed with aortic coarctation - a narrowing of the aortic valve in the heart. A simple surgery and a long 10 day stay later, he was home and is perfect now at almost 4 months. Just had his second cardio followup with perfect echo. Murmurs are very common in babies.
  • I knew they were pretty common so that's why I was kinda shocked when we got referred. I guess it's better to be safe and find out what's going on just incase! thanks for your comments!
  • I have seen a pediatric cardiologist since i was born and still do at 22 but I have a way more complex problem so that's why. Hopefully its nothing serious my sister has a murmur but it doesn't affect her.
  • My baby had to go see one when I was pregnant doc discovered he had an arrhythmia sp? His heart would be regular n then slow down then regular. I seen one while I was pregnant and once he was born I was referred to another one. They just put the sticker thing machine thing (LOL I don't know how to explain it but I have a picture) anyway they said he would be fine he will grow out of it and we only had to go that one time.
  • @hot2cold87 haha Ik what u mean...its a ekg. Hopefully that's all they will do and say he will grow out of it!
  • I had to go when Gryson was 4 days old because he had a heart murmur they did an ultrasound of his heart and the results came back that he had a small valve that didn't close but it was extremely common and would close on its own .. he still has the murmur and us dive months old they said if by the time he is 5 if he still has it they will do another ultrasound ... don't worry it is pretty common
  • thanks @mostephanite ..I'm not too worried yet! hehe. I'm sure it's nothing big but still curious to see what others have been thru.
  • Yes that LOL and when I was pregnant i went to the ped. c. they did an ultrasound of his heart and looked at the blood flow and stuff also but u not pregnant so maybe they will do one on your baby..
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