I got two BFPs but now I've started bleeding. (Update at Top!!)

I haven't even had my first appointment...I've just had two positive tests and I'm guessing I'm 6 weeks a long. (Yes, we were trying to get pregnant.) I have been bleeding for the past three days....it was just brown and not even enough to fill a panty liner (sorry tmi). Today I noticed when I wiped that there was some pink blood. I'm not having any cramps so I'm not sure what's going on. Has anyone else had this happen?! I'm just trying not to get stressed out.


Found out today that my levels were now at a 1 (which is pretty much a zero) I've already passed everything. I definitely can't say this is an easy thing... It's really hit me today. Thanks so much everyone for the prayers.


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  • Thanks @Mommy2Ari and Thanks @RileyAndMe that makes me feel a lot better...I got an appointment with my Doc. Also, I just took another digital test too...just to ease my mind.

    Here are the results...

  • Congrats hope it all goes well for ya
  • Have you had sex? Same thing was happening to me doc said every time I had sex my placenta was slowly breaking off. If I didn't stop I would miscarry
  • unfortunately that sounds like a miscarriage hon. happened to me both times. I hope it's different for you!
  • @Mommy2Ari and @Rosiepie thanks I hope it all turns out ok too! @LaFiiTz89 No we haven't...but I'm definitely not going to have any. @captivated Did you have cramping at all? Or heavy bleeding? I hope it isn't a miscarriage :(
  • Is there blood clots? Go to the dr. But I think it's implantation bleeding. Congratulations mama!
  • A couple of things could be going on. Hun you could have low Progesterone which would cause you to spot. The baby could of implanted low in the placenta and is trying to implant better. Take a look at my last thread from back in October I was pregnant with twins and the same thing happened to me. Unfortunatly I lost both 2 weeks apart but I was also in a bad car accident and totalled my car. Dr thinks the stress of this caused me to loose the 2 Nd one. The first twin implanted to low and really didn't have a chance. See your dr. And if nothing is done and ur bleeding starts to get worse go to the er. It took me 8 weeks total to finally finish out my miscarriage from the first day of light brown spotting to stopping from the last two.. listen to your gut when it comes to your body. Best wishes xoxoxoxo
  • Id try not to worry about it, you gotta worry about red blood. I had 3 BFPs and started bleeding on my 6w5d and went in got a u.s an did blood work turns out I had what they call a blighted ovem. I go in tomorrow for more blood work just to make sure.
  • I also had bleeding when I was 4weeks to 7 weeks pregnant..it was implantation bleeding and also my progesterone was low too..I just finish my progesterone and now I'm 14weeks pregnant :) goodluck
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  • @proudmomma No there's not any clots...I hope that's all it is. Thanks! @TimeBandit I'm sorry about what you went through! Thanks I'm definitely going to the ER if it gets any worse. Thanks for the wishes. @mrswright08 Thanks, I'm trying so hard not to stress because I know that will only make it worse.
  • @RileyAndMe Thanks :) @mama2fn3 Thanks that makes me feel better!
  • I know this won't make it feel any better. But it is still possible to get a bfp after miscarring. My dr said you can get a + until your levels go back down and depending on how far along you are it can take awhile! is the bleeding only when you wipe? I had one pink dot when I got preg. But on the show "i didn't know I was pregnant" they think they had their period but in reality it was probably implantation bleeding or from having sex! Good luck! When is your appt. If you have good insurance your should just go to the er cuz they will do an u/s where as seeing your dr they may only do blood work!
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  • yes that is correct it could be a couple of things i bled bright red when i miscarried and i spotted brown with the next pregnancy and i now have a healthy beautiful almost 6 month old baby boy
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  • With the first miscarriage I had barely any cramping. It began with with two days of brown discharge. The brown discharge turned to pink and then a few days later to red. Was not very heavy at all. I had just tested positive on an HPT.

    Like everyone said, try not to stress because there is nothing you can do right now. I hope the best for you!
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  • The bleeding turned into heavy and bright red...and I'm having bad cramps....so I'm on my way to the ER.....prayers please!
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  • Oh goodness.... Best of luck!!!!! I pray everything is okay!
  • 20-30% of women bleed in their pregnancy but go to the doctor or er anyway
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  • i had that around the same time as you (6 weeks) brown blood but no cramping. i ended up having a hemorrhage behind the placenta. the doctor put me on pelvic rest until a week after the bleeding stopped and not to lift anything over ten pounds. well the bleeding stopped after two weeks and i now have a beautiful 4 month old daughter. :)
  • Oh no! I'm praying
  • Xoxoxo prayers
  • Is it possible that you may only be 4 weeks and it could be a chemical pregnancy? My friend had one and I read up about it. 1 in 2 first time pregnancys end in a chemical pregnancy but most ppl don't know they have had one. They just think its there period. I really hope all is well but if its not, just know that chemical pregnancys are normal and there is no reason you can't try again. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. I really hope your ok xoxo
  • Update? What the the ER say?
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