Help! Falling while pregnant?

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
Please ladies, some advice. My dog just knocked me down outside and I fell really hard on my butt on the concrete. I'm only 10 weeks, but I'm still worried that this could affect my pregnancy. Should I be concerned? I called my doctor and left a message, hopefully I will get a call back soon!


  • If you get bad cramps and / or start bleeding then you should worry.. I fell a few times when I was pregnant and nothing happened.
  • @Janet_2011 I haven't had anything like that yet. Hopefully it will turn out to be nothing. Thanks for your input!
  • @navea828 you are welcome, everything is going to be ok:)
  • I fell when I was 17 weeks and I went to the hospital I didn't have any bleeding or cramping. I was monitored and sent home everything looked fine. I had several ultrasounds and still no problems found. I went into what I thought was labor at 37 weeks turns out my plecenta abroupted. The doctors later determined when I fell my plecenta got a small tear and it just ripped more and more throughout my pregnancy and @37 weeks tore completely. They say the cause of plecenta abrouption is cases by car accidents and hard falls ect. Definitely get checked out. I dont want to scare or worry you but everyone has always just said if your not bleeding or cramping your fine, with me that was not the case. Gd luck, I will keep you and baby in my prayers
  • Oh wow I never knew that could ever happen because of falling:( @second_time_mommy7
  • I feel on my butt (slipped down the stairs) with my last pregnancy, I can't remember exactly when, but it was pretty early. My doctor said that usually when you're that early, the baby is still in your pelvic area and is pretty well protected. And since it was your butt, there wasn't cause for much concern. So usually its okay. But still go in.
  • @Janet_2011 I never knew it until it happened to me lol it was a scary situation.
  • Hopefully to make you feel better- i didn't know i was preggo. I was camping at an amusement park and on every crazy rides you can think of i was about 9 weeks and I actually hurt after some of these rides. Bruised in fact.. one goes upside down and the bar that covers your tummy was really pressed up against my tummy. After i found out i read oline that even a car crash at 5 mph can cause probs. But my Dr told me in the early part of pregnancy the baby is so far down that my riding those rough rides at the park was ok and shouldn't hurt. I am now 35 wks preggo.
  • I fell on my butt in the rain @ 13 weeks it hurted but my baby is ok
  • @second_time_mommy7 @lucyloo288 @sehra4177 thanks for sharing your experiences ladies. I know that the baby is most likely safe, but the placenta tearing is something that I was concerned about- like secondtime mommy said. I just feel like there are so many risks while pregnant, it is so scary! I left a message for my doctor, I kinda hope she asks me to come in just so I can be reassured!
  • I tripped in a hole that I didnt see and fell flat on my belly when I was pregnant and baby was fine very well protected. Scared me so bad because baby stopped moving. Then he started moving again.
  • I fell twice in my pregnancy. Once at ten weeks, I slipped in water at work. Went face forward, was able to twist my hips enough to land on them before I hit the ground. Didn't think twice about it and woke up next morning my back and rib cage hurt so much I could barely breath. I fell so hard and the way I landed I threw my back out of alignment. They monitored the baby and everything was fine though. And then again at 35 weeks, slipped and fell in the rain. Twisted my ankle and landed on my other knee which went straight into my stomach. Went to the hospital and they monitored and did an ultrasound for six hours. I was pissed cuz I was in so much pain and they wouldn't even give me Tylenol. Then they finally sent me down to the er. Sprained my able bad and bruised the bone in my other knee. Spent the last four weeks of my pregnancy on crutches.... But than God, my soon was okay! Poor kid is tough he survived two bad falls during my pregnancy. But, being monitored is the best thing. It puts your mind at ease! I barely ever felt my son move anyway so I couldn't go off that. I had excess fluid.
  • Glad all of your babies were okay! My doctor called and said unless I have pain or bleeding then I should just wait and come in to my scheduled appointment on Thursday. She said the baby is well cushioned in there. I'm just going to try and take it easy and put it out of my mind till my ultrasound on Thursday. Otherwise, it will worry me to death!
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