random thought

edited February 2012 in Just for Fun
If this is offensive to you please dont comment as this is just a general discussion not intended to upset anyone.
If someone gets pregnant this is thought to be a gift from god. If that same person chooses not to go through with the pregnancy is this outcome simply what was ment to be? It's said god doesn't give us more than we can handle, so my thought is, is that person supposed to have a baby they cant cope with, or suffer guilt etc of a termination because that is what they can better handle?


  • I think the person is meant to have the baby. God not giving us more than we can handle means we will figure it out and get through it. If for some reason you think it's best that the baby not be with you than another family I'm sure will be more than happy to be blessed with your miracle. Just my opinion.
  • Thank you. Im not really religious but I think it's good to challenge different aspects of things to gain more understanding @smcox
  • I am Christian so I obviously have certain beliefs but I truly believe God is only gonna hand us what we can deal with whether I think I am able to deal or not. I'm not gonna lie, if it was something like rape that caused the baby I would have a hard time telling someone too bad learn to deal. I couldn't even imagine what that person would be going through! I was raped, it's how I lost my virginity but thankfully never had to deal with pregnancy because of it. But my cousin was raped by her step dad at 13 and it was a brutal horrible trauma. She kept the baby but has been greatly affected by the situation. No trust in men and just sleeps around now. Poor girl had four children before she was 21. I think if she actually got counseling and had some sort of actual support things may have turned out different for her. she's now 25 with 5 kids and I believe one on the way and doesn't have custody of any of them. I'm glad she didn't have an abortion however I truly believe if she had either given him up for adoption or an adult in our family has the balls to help her and help her learn to deal she could have been a wonderful mother, productive member of society, and not so screwed up. sorry I just rambled LOL
  • @smcox that poor girl. I also lost my virginity through rape but was lucky he used a condom. I have never been in a position to need to consider an abortion which im thankful of. I just keep thinking, if someone chooses that path is that what was ment to be? What about the babies that are lost because of a mc or an accident like a physical trauma, were they ment to be or is that what was intended for those babies?
  • I've always wondered the same. I've also wondered if it is a "sin" and "against gods will" to abort a baby how is it not against gods will to use science/medicine to create life? Wouldn't using invirto, or pretty much any type of fertility treatment go against gods decision to not give you a baby?

    Personally I would never choose to have an abortion and I don't approve of abortion as bc however I do feel like it is the best option for some people.
  • Hace yall heard of the law they r trying to pass? Anyone wanting an abortion must get a sonogram first... dont know all the details
  • @Rosiepie I heard about it. Usually you get an abdominal ultrasound, but some states require a transvaginal ultrasound which they deem invasive. A lot of people believe that it's violating a woman's rights to choose between herself and her doctor which procedure she is more comfortable with. I think ultrasounds should be done before, to locate baby's position and gestational age. Some women may attempt to lie and say they're not far along. Leading to the doctor using the wrong termination procedure. This could lead to the baby surviving and possibly having long term adverse affects. Burns, missing limbs, brain damage, etc.

    I don't have a public opinion on the original post. Lol. I just like reading the responses. :)
  • U got it girl @fate lol i wasnt 100% but i know i heard something bout it.
  • I do appreciate all ur posts and opinions lol ur awesome @fate
  • @Rosiepie Lol. Thank you. :x Times are changing, and I have 3 daughters that will have to grow up into these laws. I couldn't imagine if they weren't allowed to choose which type of ultrasound they were comfortable in using. Forced transvaginal ultrasounds may be more accurate, but that's between her and her doctor. The state should not invade into these decisions. I believe Virginia backed down from this new bill, and Texas already enforces it.
  • I do love TX lol @fate (dont know if thats good or bad at the momenr lol)
  • They shouldnt be forced which way but i do think a sonogram should be mandatory just cuz itll change so many minds... im prochoice but ive seen several just straight up unnecessary abortions when i was teying to get preggo and it upset me so bad
  • What about the birth control law they're trying to pass... That one is.some straight up horses***!
  • I don't think there should be any law about birth control! As far as the in vitro, I have never really thought about it that way. Accidents and miscarriages I do think fall under Gods plan. I believe he put that baby there for a reason and took them to heaven for a reason too. I couldn't begin to know or understand His reasonings, I know I have an angel baby waiting for me when I get up there that i can't wait to meet. Speaking only from a Christian point of view, God lets us go through hard times so we learn to lean on him.
    I don't know how God sees it and won't till I'm up there but I've been using birth control for a long time. I don't personally have a problem with preventing pregnancy, it's the termination of one that is clearly wrong in Gods eyes. The first time I got pregnant everyone was pushing me to have an abortion. I was 19, not married, no real good source of income, and the father was a dead beat. I almost gave in cuz of the pressure but thankfully I put my foot down. And for s while I thought it was my fault I miscarried cuz I even considered abortion. Obviously one had nothing to do with the other. Anyway, I could ramble forever buy I'm gonna stop and go back to sleep cuz my son is sleeping right now :) just remember this is my personal opinion and no drama please.
  • Oh and I don't think abortions are what's meant to be cuz that is intentional human interaction causing the death of an unborn child, so not Gods plan. So looking at it that way I suppose in vitro isn't Gods plan either. To answer your questions directed at me. I hadn't even thought about human interaction concieving a baby. Thanks got giving me things to think about and stuff I need to look up :D @tinka1326
  • What's the birth control law?
  • @ripkaydence wat I'm aware of is not. Bc law but anyone having an abortion must have a sonogram. Which I agree somewhat but certain situations no
  • edited February 2012
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  • wow guys so many opinions and food for thought. im so glad this hasnt turned nasty. i have had a mc before i got pregnant with my daughter and im sure that it was just something that was ment to happen. but i still cant help but think that if someone chooses to end a pregnancy thats what was ment to be for that person, just like someone mentioned if you use fertility treatment thats intervention, but if a pregnancy occurs isnt that still 'ment to be'
  • Wait, so the in the vajayjay ultrasound is optional? When I went in for my first Dr's appointment to confirm my pregnancy they just told me they were doing an ultrasound and then probed me with the wand. That's super lame because it was really uncomfortable and if I had thought I had a choice I wouldn't have had the probe.
  • @armahnismommy yeah that's the law I'm talkin about. The govt trying to force BC on religious institutions. @Tinka1326 Im really not sure what to think i guess lol. Gettin all philosophical and shit :) personally I think if ppl get preggo its meant to be. Now I suppose if you believe god has plans, and someone chooses to end a pregnancy, maybe that was the plan?? I see your point lol.
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  • @Frantastic Sometimes when you're early on, the transvaginal gets a better, more accurate visual of the baby. But yes, transvaginal during a doctors' visit isn't mandatory. You don't have to consent to ANY procedure that your doctor does. It's completely your choice. But this law is strictly about abortions. Forcing women to get a vaginal ultrasound before the procedure. The state shouldn't have any say in what your personal preferences are.
  • This is why I love pregly. One thing branches off to another and you learn a little of something you didn't know...
  • @armahnismommy no I.didn't watch the debate... I didn't wanna get pissed off. It is sooooo crossing lines... The govt has no right to force BC on religious organizations. And if it somehow passes I'm honestly afraid what else they'll go after...
  • The way i see it about IVF is ya know didn't god put the man on this planet to create IVF kinda like he put men/women on this planet to create medicine so doesn't that mean if your sick you shouldn't take meds bc its not "natural" way of healing ? just asking not iintended for anyone specific
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