Car Seat/Booster Seat

edited February 2012 in Ages & Stages
I am looking to get my daughter a new car seat, as she has grown out of her infant one. She is around 8 months, and is 20 pounds. I'm looking to get her one that she can grow into, but I want one that is still able to rear face. I do not have a ton of money to spend on it. Please leave any suggestions, as this is driving me crazy. I'm looking for safety, and something that will be comfortable.


  • @sophiasmom11. Thanks, they do. I'm just having a hard time selecting which brand and model to the buy!
  • I got my son on at Target. I think its graco. It was around $150 but it does grow with them. Just look around and read reviews. There's a ton out there
  • @sands3, I have read a TON of reviews, and that is the problem. There are so many reviews, but I can't find any direct testimonials from someone that I associate with to get an unbiased review.
  • What I have is the Graco Nautilus(sp). It's great but I'm not sure its rear facing. I got it after my son was a year old
  • My son just had a cheap on from kmart when he was a baby. It was cosco brand. It was $35 so kinda cheap. It did the job. But i was broke and in high school. Ill probably get a better one this time.
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