9 month old behind? UPDATE

edited March 2012 in Ages & Stages
I brought up at my sons 6 month appt that it seemed like he was behind but Dr didn't seem too worried...well I'm going to bring it up again at his next appt. He's 9 months in a week and you still can't leave him sitting by himself because he tips over. He wants to lay on his back and isn't interested in crawling or walking or rolling and he won't eat any food but breastmilk. My first son was always developmentally on schedule so I'm not sure what to do. I worry he has problems because he came out of the womb not breathing but that may be me being paranoid. Anyone else had a baby this age behind and turn out just fine? I just worry about him a lot :(


  • Is he real chubby?

    My frienndss second son is a moonth younger thaan mmy nephew, back then (cpl yrs ago) my neohew waas already crawling llike a beast & her son couldnt sit up yet. I believe cause he was a chubster.
  • Bump but for sure bring it up to his Dr and if that doctor won't listen bring him to another doctor until you get find answers don't settle if you feel something is wrong..my cousins friends son couldn't talk or walk very well at two years his doctor said autisum but my mom told her to get his ears checked turned out he couldn't hear very well to learn to talk and ear infection made him off balance..
  • You never know! He might be okay! Does he get a lot of tummy time? Do you hold him alot? If he's teething he won't want to eat.. just nurse.
  • @caroline8_p no, he's not super chubby...he's 18 lb. At his last appt he was in the 25th percentile
    @Mom2McKenna that's interesting.. he doesn't say any words and he was late to start babbling, I'll have to ask about his hearing
    @YNVTish I do hold him a lot and any time he's on his tummy he gets mad instantly :/ I'm not sure how to encourage him to do more. He's never eaten any solids, he refuses
  • You can get an evaluation. To me he sounds like he may be.
  • edited March 2012
    @michellebelle ... I think he's just a well kept baby..

    why sit up when your mommy loves you so much she'll hold or help you?

    Why in the Hell would you want food when you have 2 breast filled with wonderful warm sweet milk and your mommy cuddles you too while you eat?

    Why try and crawl when you can get a free ride to your destination?

    Sounds like a VERY VERY smart boy that's gonna go far in life ;-).

    It takes years for people to figure out what he already has... LOL

    Don't compare him to other babies it will only drive you nuts. He may not be physically advanced but maybe hes extremely smart.

    My LO is the last of 4 kids.. shes very "baby-ish" compared to my other kids. At 8 months my oldest was already trying to walk.. my son crawled and climbed out his crib.. he was very strong. And my middle girl was a genius and putting words with pictures..

    Now lil Miss Haylee.. my 8 month old! She's all baby! She's taking her time and for the first time I'm okay with letting a baby be a baby ;-)
  • Every baby is different. My son was rolling, crawling, pulling himself up on the furniture at 5.5 months... My daughter has no interest in doing anything at 4 months. Enjoy your little baby while it lasts because as soon as he gets going I bet he turns from your baby into a little boy overnight. That being said though if you really do feel there is a problem ask for an evaluation. There may not be anything 'wrong' with him, he might just need to do a few exercises to get stroner. I spoke to my mum the other day about bf babies and solids, she said I stopped wanting to be bf at 9 months but before that had zero interest in food. It's that way with alot of babies. Have you tried finger foods he can hold rather than pure? That may be more interesting to him. Goodluck and keep us updated
  • @Steph_Due_101611 I think I'm going to ask for one to at least put my mind at ease
    @tinka1326 thanks, I have tried finger foods, he throws them on the floor lol
    @YVNTish bahahaha, "well kept baby" ok you may be on to something :) with my first son we worked with him a lot but I guess I don't ever put this little guy down, I guess I've always felt super overprotective of him since he was born because he did almost die. I'm not even sure how to go about encouraging him to do more without him getting mad...maybe he'll just do it one day. Thanks though, you made me feel a lot better.

  • http://www.babycenter.com/0_milestone-chart-7-to-12-months_1496587.bc

    Definitely bring it up, but he sounds just like my 4 year old. She was behind (I thought), and as soon as she started walking, she learned other things quickly. She even potty trained before she was 2. Every baby is different. :)
  • Yea make sure and bring it up but every baby is different...my mom thought I was blind lol
  • @Fate thanks, that's a good link
    @newmomma13 you're right, no baby is the same:) I'm glad your mom was wrong lol
  • Lol yea she sure was my dad thought she was crazy she was gonna take me to the doctor but he told her no ...she had my Gpa put padding on all the sides of the doorways lol I got 20/20 now
  • @YNVTish I realized as I was looking at another post that I tagged your name wrong earlier lol. Sorry!
  • edited March 2012
    Im a twin an I could walk, talk, crawl, pick stuff up... Do pretty much everything by my first birthday. An my brother had no interest in anything at all. My parents thought he was special but he was just watching an observing. When he started at like 18 months he jumped in real quick an was like he'd been doing everything as long as me. Hopefully hes just enjoying babyhood he may know its not gonna last forever.
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  • Today he had his 9 month appt and the doctor at was concerned that he didn't sit well at first and by the other things I told him so he did some tests to check his muscle tone and said it looked really good and he definitely wasn't behind socially or intellectually. So he thinks he's just at the slower end of physical development that's still normal.
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