i want another one

My little man just turned 4 months old and I really want another one. If my budget allowed me to...I would have 10. Unfortunately we are only having 3. But I can't wait to add to the family. Thought opinions and advice please!


  • May not be for every one but my advice is to wait a lil while maybe a year I got prego wen my baby was 6 months so not planned an it took a toll on my body my legs always hurt my hips always hurt it was hard for me to get outa bed by body jus hurt all the time I never felt like that wit my other two but it was really miserable I was n pain about the whole pregnancy but good luck if u decide to try :)
  • me 2!! mines 6 mo !! but me n bby daddy aren't married so no more bbys right now : /
  • Ouch!! That sounds painful. I got pregnant with Weston the week I stopped taking birth control so maybe around his first birthday I will stop taking it again. I don't wanna be in pain half of his first year off life. Thanks for the advice
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