
edited March 2012 in Relationships
I need to rekindle my love life it seems to me that ever since i got pregos my hubby is afraid to touch me sexualy :-( I think he is afraid to hurt the baby but i am never uncomftable during the deed any one experice a cold storm in there relationshipps during pregancy?


  • If he is afraid to hurt the lil baby, there are other sexual acts that you can do. Or take him with you to the doctors and let the doctor tell him that its safe to have sex. Your baby is cushioned quite well inside your belly. And he/she is protected from the penis by the cervix. :)
  • My husband was the same so I would tell him that it was ok and tell him if we needed to change positions. So maybe just try that
  • My husband is the same way and this is are third child together :(
  • My hubby was the same... But we did end up have sex at about 9 weeks. And then one time at 15 or so. I just never feel in the mood for it. And I'm always to uncomfortable now. I just turned 26w on tuesday and poor hubby is going to be waiting for along while! Either til after baby comes or if I'm trying to induce labor!
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  • Im 34 weeks and we have haven't had a sex life for two months now. I hate it but he says he worries too much to get in the mood:(
  • Glad i am not alone but my ob told him straight up when we got pregant that we can still have sextual relations lol... And unfortantly when i try to turn him on he says he is tooo tired or not in the mood. he knows he cant hurt the baby but still seems terrified he will i mean baby is still tiny! Only 11 weeks. I am so peved at him tho cause i was gonna be cute and get on his fb and put on his wall "hacked by the one that loves you the most. Lets go out on a date tomorow me and you" i hit his messages by acident cause ofmy. Andriod phn and saw him say hey sexy to another woman and hey cutie to a different one :( I alreaady have body image issues cause i am a plus sized momma plus my boobs and ass have gotten huge and my feet and hands get puffy now cause of baby and i dont regreat it I love my little bean that is growning inside of me but he has to say this stuff to girls way smaller then me :'( I dont even know how to bring it up to him . I just feel so worthless right now . I know I cant look that bad cause random guys at the store flirt with me and i tell them im married and they telll me he is a lucky guy but serious I dnt feel like it around him he is sooo unafectiant to me in all ways now.. I just feel like his babby mama not the woman that he wants to spend his life with carrying the child we made from love :'( Sorry for long post/vent I just had to spew my feelings
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