Killing newborns 'comparable to abortion'

edited March 2012 in Current Events
Killing newborn babies should be allowed if the mother wishes, Australian philosophers have argued in a prestigious journal.

Their argument, that it is morally the same as abortion, has forced the British Medical Journal to defend its publication of their views, Fairfax Media reports.

Monash University's Alberto Giubilini and the University of Melbourne's Francesca Minerva say that a foetus and a newborn both lack a sense of life and aspiration.

They argue this justifies "after-birth abortion" on the proviso it is painless as the baby is not missing out on a life it cannot contemplate.

The doctors of philosophy argue that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are not diagnosed in the womb, which means mothers of children with severe disabilities should have the chance to end a child's life after, as well as before, birth.

However, the pair also want the principle of killing newborns extended to healthy babies, because a mother who is unwilling to care for it outweighs an infant's right to life.

The journal's editor, Julian Savulescu, told Fairfax Media the pair had received death threats since their views were published online last week.


  • Oh my goodness that is just terrible!!
  • I thought this was what adoption was for..? So mothers who didn't want their kids could still give them a chance. This is ridiculous..
  • Not that I'm for it, but while we are contemplating it here...if you haven't already read it you might want to check out what writer Johnathan Swift proposed a few hundred years ago. I had to read this for a class in college way back when...if you think what the philosophers Down Under proposed is bad, read what Johnathan Swift proposed to do with the poor baby Leprechauns in Ireland:
  • @finallyaboy ughh! That's awful..I couldn't finish reading it
  • A modest proposal was written to spark public outrage at the state of Irelands poor, he didn't actually intend for people to eat children.
  • An abortion is a form of killing since the baby in the womb is still considered life that was on preperation of life in this world. Killing an unborn baby is almost the exact same as killing a newborn baby.

  • A baby may not have aspirations when its born but it still wants to live! A baby knows who its mother is, when its hungry or just to be held and that to me proves that when a baby is born it does want to live. This is sickening! I personally dont believe in abortion, which is an issue I dont force on or judge anyone who has had one, but killing a newborn is shocking, who the hell do these people think they are!?!
  • In my opinion is sick to even consider that.. I doubt that any women that goes through the pains and joys of giving birth will ever decide to kill the baby unless she's a sick bastard and has no heart. Im against abortion my self but I guess im kind of a two sided face person on that matter since I believe if a person was raped she should have the opportunity to decide if she wants to give birth to that baby or not since I can't imagine how it would feel to raise your rapist kid
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