those who have nuva rimg

I have had mine out since spotting or anything. Should i have had af by now?


  • @jennalynne87 @bettymomma. Very good ? Here is an extra bump. I will be using the ring once I deliver. Due to getting preggers with an iud 3 times.
  • Heads up, I got prego in the ring!
  • I used it right before I got pregnant...I took it out wednesdays and got my period like sun. It was always the last min before I had to put one in.
  • I am worried. We used back up the first week, but i found out on the 5th day of the first week my hubby took the condom off. My lo is only 2 months
  • When I used the ring, I would take it out Monday and not get AF til Thursday when I was due for it. I wouldn't freak out just yet. The ring is pretty much instantly effective.
  • I was on the nuva ring for six years and I would take it out on sun and didnt get AF til the weekend so I think it's normal...just wait a few more days.
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