Should I not be bothered???

edited March 2012 in Relationships
Bd is the one that has begged the last few days for me to date him.. Then as soon as I say ok and I say put it on your fb that your in a relationship he gets bothered. Like wtf? Lol. I know it's just dumb Facebook but it means something to me to have it on there so people know hes takin. He's just like I dont even go on Facebook. Its stupid. I'm like for real. Ok were not dating then. And hes like oh ok then. I am bothered. If I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't even be trying with his ass. He should feel lucky I'm hanging out with him. Ughhhh!


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  • I would be bothered too. That's the least he could do after all he's put you through.
  • edited March 2012
    Well he just changed it. But I feel like he is just doing it so I won't be in a bad mood. I hate this. I wish I would have waited to get pregnant. I feel like I am going to be a single mom and I dont wanna deal with that :'( I mean we are together now but we have broken up before. Now I am questioning whether or not he is someone I wanna be with. And now I feel so stuck being pregnant. I just dont know if he is actually going to change. I mean he is a good guy but he has put me through some shit. I feel so stuck and like I don't wanna be pregnant.
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  • I agree with @ta2edblondie

    Its just facebook he can always just tell people hes taken. Besides I have seen alot of ppl on facebook playing with relationship statuses, they change it to much. No one really takes facebook seriously.

    Its more important what he does with or without you in person and in public.
  • Ask him why he didnt wanna say that hes in a relationship with you in facebook. My husband shys away from facebook relationship status also but he tells people that hes with me. But he also doesnt use his facebook much because of work and college. Hes to determined to make something outta daily life to be sucked into social networking info.
  • I think it's a dumb reason to be bothered too lol. Its just I know there are girls that be flirtin with him and Idk I want them to know he's takin I guess. Part of it is my own insecurities and maybe I dont totally trust him. Which i think is reasonable considering the last couple months.
  • I asked he just think Facebook is stupid he rarely gets on it. Hes the one who messed up and wanted me back lol putting his relationship as in a relationship just makes me feel a little better no matter how dumb that sounds I guess.
  • edited March 2012
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  • I agree I wuld snap on my hubby if we had a Facebook an he didn't put his status on there so yea I feel ya lol !
  • dont go crazy about it I know one thing about guys that have been proven to be correct, many times.

    If he doesnt wanna be with you he wouldnt try and stay with you. It does sound like hes trying to be better, I dont know if its because of your pregnancy or you. But by what your saying here he doesnt seem like the guy who would back stabb you. Bring up that concern to him, its may not be a severe as you think it is.

    I had my share of being insecure and wild about things my husband said or did and after I talked to him it turned out it wasnt as bad as I thought it was, so u stressed myself out more than what was neccessary.

    Take care of yourself and your pregnancy and just try to work it out with him with whatever may be the cause of your insecurities and problems.

    Good luck!
  • edited March 2012
    Girl .. bitches now a days don't care what the relationship status say.. they will flirt with him regardless of what it says..if he cares about your feelings he would delete his facebook and stop the drama before it even starts .. my husbands status says married and one of his exes of 8 years ago sent him a message.. I was like.... X( but I'm happy he showed me the message and blocked her.
  • yeah some people are so desprite
  • I'd be bothered! I'll share my story. I was 3 days away from having our daughter - he left his fb logged in so when it popped up, I looked at his msgs because he always said I could even though I didn't (he knew I wouldn't). So I took him up on it - saw nothing. Went to the archived and saw that he attempted to not just talk to SIX different girls but "hang out", one asked "but aren't you dating Jordan?" he said "Idc I wanna see you anyway". OMG!!!! I was 3 days away from having OUR daughter and you're writing girls?!?! None took him up on his offer and I told him because who will wanna scrump you when your default is of your gf and ultrasound pic?!? I'm almost 24 and he is 22 - I thought all that hs crap was over. I almost kicked him out because he was living with me and my mom but because of the baby, I stayed. I have a fb and he chose to delete his because he admitted he had a problem. He had THREE facebooks in the time we have been dating which is 2.5 years. Crazy, don't you think? I have never attempted to cheat on a guy while having any kind of social networking site but for some people, fb is the devil. Lol
    Now... I am 17 weeks 5 days pregnant with our second child and I am so thankful for this baby and so excited and our daughter is almost 7 months old. BUT!!!!! He keeps thinking he can pick me up and drop me whenever he wants. I stay with Jemma and he calls me lazy, that I just wanna sit on my ass and do nothing while he goes and works outta town and that HE is going to put himself on child support because he knows I'll eventually leave him. Umm does that make sense to you?! Lmao I had an amazing job when we met and I took him out to dinner and to movies whenever he wanted and yet he complained because "all we do is movies and food - you aren't adventurous". And now that I've been preg back to back with no job for less than a year and he's had his job for ONLY 4 months, he's gonna call me a mooch and leave ME?! Hahaha

    Oh wow - well, this stuff has been recent so I'm guessing I just needed to vent. Lmao anyways, that's my story about Facebook. My opinion: DON'T stay just because you're pregnant. Like I said, I am thrilled for this baby but as rude as it may sound, I feel I have the right to say that these two blessings are the only things that are good that came from him. You're already blessed with this baby... Now do what's best for you. Dont settle - WE deserve better!!!
  • Why didnt you leave him after you had your daughter if it got that bad with that chasing other girls thing? @BabyComingSoon143
  • My dh didnt have us as "in a relationship" for a long time but it didnt bug me because when girls wrote on his wall, he always mentioned me in their convo. And as far as messages, he'd show me or he jus didnt write back and wrote on their wall instead so i and everyone else could see. I would only be mad if he didnt have anything or say anything about me on it.
  • edited March 2012
    @aishamusa probably for the same reason most ladies decide to stay. I stayed because I wanted it to work because of our daughter. I wanted her to have both parents in one home. I hadn't had any other problems after until he got his job and started saying crap about me and is he here? No. So I have seen many posts about ppl wanting it to work even though their bf, bd, etc has done crazy crap. And you can't stop loving someone over night - Im just expressing my story - staying wasnt right and i think that was the point of me sharing?
  • Well that was smart of you and it's good that you got out of it. I know things become more difficult once kids become part of the situation. Well most situations specially to a relationship that was already having problems.
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