my son is almost 4months

edited March 2012 in Babies
He will be 4 months on the 7th. He can rollover. He quiet the chatter box. He gets to laughing. When he is excited. Full of smiles. He can hold his head up very well except for laying on his belly. (We are working on that ). He is very strong in his legs. Share what ur baby can do.


  • They grow so fast! There is no greater joy in my life, than my baby!
  • My son weighs almost 20 lbs @pregnantelf of course he really isn't fat.
  • At 4months my son weighed 17.10 lbs 27&1/2 inches long. I love chunky babies!
  • Ashton turned 4 months on February 20th. He holds his head very well even during tummy time. He rolled over once and won't do it again! Always smiling and making a ton of noise! Laugh a lot and is very ticklish! At his 2 month check up he weighed 14 pounds and he goes tomorrow for his 4 month check up! He has two teeth about to come out any day! He grabs anything you give him. We practice sitting everyday but he's a weeble wobble!!!
  • Lillian will be 4 months on the 7th...she holds her head up extremely well, hasn't rolled over but is very close back to tummy, she hates being on her tummy but is starting to tolerate it a little more every day! She loves to stand if you hold her she just wants to be standing I keep saying she will probably walk before she rolls over Haha she has 2 teeth coming in and loves to scream and laugh and "talk" 3 month check she weighed 13lbs her 4 month is next week
  • Beatrix will be 4 months on the 8th. She doesnt really roll over yet, she has a few times with help. She rather stand then anything. She has gotten way better at tummy time. She holds her head up extremely well. When she is on her tummy she pushes her arms up and straightens them. She talks all the time. Starting to laugh. No teeth yet but tons of drool. At her 2 month apt she weighed 10lbs 15oz. She goes to her 4 month apt on the 8th so we shall see. I'm so excited! :-)
  • Alonzo will be 4 months on march 8th and he is quite the stand up kid already, he is holding his own bottle he's holding his head up, he is rolling over from his belly to his back he loves laughing with his family. He has found his feet when he is sitting up and tries very hard to get to them, it's hilarious he is 18 lbs (i know but he is soooo adorable) my chunky baby-Photobucket

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