Ftm, please help!

edited March 2012 in Babies Health
Ok, so two nights ago my little one had a fever 100.1, runny nose and small cough. Called the on call doctor, who by the way was Very Rude to me. She told me it was probably a cold, to give him benadryl and tylenol. Anyways he woke up about 3 times that night. By morning the fever was gone, and he hasn't had it since. However he still has the runny nose, and a terrible rash on his face, also the worst part is for the past two nights, he has woken up every hour , screaming to the top of his lungs. We change his diaper, make a bottle (wich he doesn't drink) rock him, suction his nose. You get the point, we try everything. He just screams til he falls back to sleep for another hour.

Has anyone experienced this? If so what was it? Any other thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated....me and hubby are exhausted, we both work full time and have had 0 amount of sleep??


  • Poor little guy (and parents). I know that sometimes rashes come along with fevers, but I'm sure about this one. I'd suggest that you take him to his pediatrician just to be on the safe side.
  • Thanks @armymommy I'm going to call him today!
  • Please keep me updated. I hate when the little people are sick. :-(
  • I just went thru the same thing. I took him to the Dr n found out he has double ear infections
  • He didn't have a rash tho
  • My oldest was/is a great sleeper and I remember at around 6 months he started waking up every hour screaming at night, so we took him to docs and it was ear infections.
  • @armymommy we went to the doctor, he said that it was just teething! Thank god!

    @alilboulding thats what me and t
    he doc. Were afraid of, but he said his ears and throat looked great!

    @my2boys thankfully it wasn't ear infection, the doc. Said they looked great, turns out its just teething!

    Thank you ladies for responding!
  • I'm glad to hear that he's okay. Hopefully you & hubby will be able to get some rest.
  • Awe, im glad its only BC hes teething. Hope Rion gets better girl :)
  • Just for future reference, doctors don't consider it a fever unless it is 100.4 or greater. Glad you got some answers!
  • @captivated yea I knew about the 100.4 thing, but I was just ssooo worried! Thanks for your input ;)
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