
I'm all for the desire for world peace and such..I'm a mother and if I ever went through what the Ugandan families have, I would be devastated. But, I also have to be aware that we are trying to make countries into what we can't even make our own country into. Be aware that while you are sponsoring a child from another for them to have a better life, there is no one sponsoring American children that are homeless or in foster homes. Granted, we have a lot of things others don't, but we also have a lot of the same issues as other countries. We have homeless people, starving children, debt, murders, abuse of power, torture of people. Just be aware that a 30 minute video is not going to stop anything. Osama was a world wide name and it took 10 years to find him.---Awareness is key. Be informed on the ENTIRE situation going on. Be informed what's going on in your own backyard. If you want to make a change, get off Facebook/Twitter and get out in the real world so you actually accomplish something.#BlindAmerica (Feel free to add on, share, comment, opinions, facts)


  • Agreed.

    The Foreign Affairs Report has stated that there has been a total manipulation of facts regarding Kony 2012.

    The Ugandan army that is supported by Invisible Children has been proven to have their own child soldiers, rape and murder. The little amount of money that is actually donated to that country through this scam charity goes to the Ugandan Army. In turn, supporting this movement supports child soldiers. The money has bought these people arms.

    Joseph Kony is NOT the next hitler. The conflicts in Uganda and the region are highly complex and not one dimensional. So you can't just go out and point fingers at people without knowing the full story. They can't be solved by making a bunch of 30 minute videos, spamming your facebook or telling your friends.

    Giving your money and public support to invisible children so they can spend it on violent military intervention and movie number 12 isn't helping.

    I don't support bringing Joseph Kony to justice. I support bringing Joseph Kony and ALL of the other evil degenerates on our planet to justice. Every single one of them. If you're going to take out one, why not take out all the rest?

    What I don't support though is IC's brainwashing and manipulation of facts for personal gain.

    Please people, do some research before supporting a cause!
  • You can be right, but this it's about children and no matter where we are, who we are when it comes to children we should all get involved and Facebook/twitter is world wide and had useful yo get through to allot of people. Intranet forms of communications it's to try snag make people aware so the can do exactly that go out and do something. I have kids and i'm a mother a sister an aunt and would devastated if someone could help and they won't out just suit back and say that's your problem not mine, that's the problem with this world now a days, people think what difference can I make port they simply think we have our own problems to deal with others issues, Uganda doesn't have the man power or resources we have in the USA and if we can help we should especially when it comes to kids, this is no where near sponsoring a kids from another country this is kids being killed, tortured, used as sex slaves, and God knows what else and if we can do something to at least get the word out well then so be it!! If we all thought the way you do, we would be no different than animals, no heart to help thy neighbor. I mean these are poor innocent kids and families affected!!
  • I agree with you @addrianna, but we are already helping Uganda. Uganda refuses much of our help. You cannot help a society that doesn't want to help themselves.
  • Agreed totally agreed, I read everything you posted on another thread and it all made sense but that comment you made about the ice cream was horrible and it totally made me stop reading all the great information you gave, maybe keep to the point without insulting or mocking kids that have no control over their situation! :)
  • Lol. It was my way of making a point. Sorry if it was too distasteful for you.

    Spend a few years in the military and you may understand my sense of humor. @addrianna
  • The United States has roughly 1.5 million people in military services. The South African Army alone has roughly 75 thousand. Now if you include the rest of the surrounding armies in Africa, I believe they have more then enough man power to control the situation.
  • Resources I can understand but before everyone jumps on this band wagon I just want everyone to be aware...realistically speaking, tell me how everyone was helping and what their concern with the Ugandan children were a week ago?? I bet 90% of the people that immediately became political activist from sharing a youtube video won't be able to answer that question.
  • They will say it wasn't spread and that's why they didn't know. And now that it has been spread through a youtube video, they care and MUST spread the word! Unfortunately, if you truly cared, you would have known about him years ago by following politics and the US's foreign agenda.

    A political activist is always a political activist, always searching for truth and causes. They don't become one by a thirty minute youtube video. @firsttimemommy0928
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