Phentermine 15mg OR 37.5mg

edited March 2012 in Postpartum Health
I've been prescribed 15mg of Phentermine today but I constantly see reviews of 37.5mg and the success stories associated with that dosage. Never for 15mg. Will this give me any weigtloss? Anyone taken this dosage?


  • I'm sure it will. Try it out. If you don't see effects, ask for your doctor to increase your prescription. Or you can take two, but I wouldn't recommend that.

    I'm sure your doctor had a reason. Could you call and inquire about it?
  • My Dr just gave me the 37.5 I just started it today. Everyone says they feel jittery and more energized while on it and I feel normal. I'm even tired right now LOL I praying it works for the both of us! But if you don't see results within the next couple weeks then I would talk to him about upping the dosage. That's weird cuz I never heard of 15, only of 35 or 37.5.
  • My husband takes that and he has lost alot of weight
  • I always have had the 37.5 and it works wonders!
  • I was given 30mg (in UK here) and then got the 15 as a 'booster'. didn't really need it just wanted to make sure i had it if needed. the doc said to take both the 30 + 15 together!
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