is this true???

edited March 2012 in Babies Health
I run an in home daycare and have twin boys that are 9months old. They have been sick several times, including being diagnosed with rsv twice, but under a different name and told by their ped they werent contagious and could come to daycare. My son is 4 months old and it was from his dr that we found out bronchiolitis is rsv. Anyways I think the twins dr is an heres my question. They both just had ear infections...again. The dr prescribed them very expensive and hard to find antibiotics. They have been on them for almost 2 weeks. One of them cries constantly while grabbing his ears. The mom took them back Tues and the dr said their ears look good and that they can feel pressure for up to 3 months! I have never heard this that true? I can't imagine this guy having to hurt for that long...


  • Rsv is very contagious!!!
  • That doesnt make sense to me.. I dont understand what would be causing pain/pressure if his ears look okay. Isnt pressure & pain caused by fluid being in there?
  • The pain from an ear infection should only last 24-48 hours after an ear infection.

    Doesn't make sense to me. However, it is very noticeable through a visual check of the ears if a child has an ear infection. If his ears look fine, there is likely another issue going on. I would have the mother bring the child back again. The baby shouldn't still be in pain. Then I would go for a second opinion!
  • After the start of antibiotics*
  • Sounds fishy to me, maybe it is his teeth bc they are linked to ears.
  • We knew Rsv was highly contagious...he was calling it something else and sending notes to daycare saying he wasn't contagious and could be here. It wasnt until my son got sick and was tested for rsv that we found out it had another name.
    Thats what I thought about the older kiddos never really had ear infections, but from doing daycare for 10 years I had never heard this before. They have their 9 mo check up Monday, so their mom is going to see what is said.
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