Jacey is 7 months and crawling all over the place and he gets into everything!!! He's been saying mama for a while now but it seems more noticable now.. I loooove it!!!
Mine is crawling, sitting up, trying to pull himself into a standing position, weighs 24lbs and is in 12-18 month clothing. He sleeps for 12hrs at night and nurses during the day every 3-4 hours and eats solids once or twice a day
Jace is in 12/18 month clothes too and some 24 month clothes.. Hes not pulling himself up to stand yet.. He was sleeping 12 to 13 hours straight through the night but at 4 months he decided he didn't want to sleep anymore and he hasn't slept through the night once in the last 3 months
My 7 month old is stock on dada and nana and when I say I'm mama he laughs. He's is crawling and has been since 6 months. He's pulling up on everything and just recently started turning loose worth one hand and picking up stuff while standing. He's 24 pound and almost 30 inches and has 7 teeth! Growing up to fast!
Geez Tessa isn't doing any of that. She will only roll from belly to back and still can't sit unsupported. She's nowhere near crawling or standing She does babble like crazy though. She is 28 inches and weighs 19 lbs. She's wearing 9 month clothes.
Lucy is eating solids twice a day, crawling, trying to pull herself up, and says mama Dada and baba she is 28 inches long and weighs 20 lbs. She is wearing size 12/18 month clothing. We are still waiting on teeth though
Mine is crawling, sitting up, trying to pull himself into a standing position, weighs 24lbs and is in 12-18 month clothing. He sleeps for 12hrs at night and nurses during the day every 3-4 hours and eats solids once or twice a day
@mom2ing, she will get there!