Put all your "how to get baby to sleep" tips here

edited March 2012 in Sleep
I know several of us are going through a regression with our children, my lo is 5 months and used to sleep 7-2 eat sleep 2:30-5 put in swing then sleep 5-7:30 now she's up 5+ times a night! I'm not ok with life, please share your tips and thoughts :)


  • I'm in the same boat. She use to sleep 8-8 now she is up atleast 3 times a night. This has been going on for over a month. Plus she hardly naps! Im exhausted I hope you get some good tips.
  • Oh man I would not be ok with that my daughter usually sleeps through the night but she has been waking up hungry wich she just did but I change her and put her back with a bottle shes good to go. And the only reason I'm doing that rather then making her wait little longer is bc I want her to get to at least 15 pounds. And if shes still waking up then im going to have to teach her its still night time. Thats what my friend did and it only took the one night like an hour of crying and her just comforting her back to bed.
  • boob. lol I put him on my boob, and he goes to sleep instantly, and sleeps for 10-12 hours straight!
  • I actually just read about this and it has to do with their sleep patterns becoming more mature. as in adult like phases or active sleep or light sleep phases. I don't believe there is much that can be done because they are still so young and figuring out what stirred them from their good sleep hasn't been learned yet
  • I have noticed that we HAVE to use an overnight diaper on him or he wakes up alot. I just want him to sleep in a little bit.
  • Maddox went from sleeping thru the night(7hours), to 2 nighttime feedings, to now wanting to eat every 2 hours. The dr said to not let him but my usually easy going baby is a monster in the middle of the night if he doesnt get his num-nums.(aka:boobies) I am a walking zombie X_X
  • Theres nothing that can be done girl I just went through that phase thank god its over
  • Going thru the same thing with my son he used to sleep from 10-5 wake up to eat and back to sleep till 730-830 and now he wakes up all the time and its driving me crazy cuz he wasent this bad even as a newborn its been going on since he was almost 4 months and he will be 6 months on the 29. Hope it ends soon
  • All you can do is try to stick to a routine and give it time.
  • I would suggest the book "on becoming babywise". A friend suggested it to me...its all about schedules and such. I found it at a used bookstore for less than 2 bucks!
  • My daughter is 7 months and I started her schedule training at 5 months. She has her first bottle at 8am awake for 2hours and takes a nap after that for 2 hours we do that with every feeding and then I give her a bath at 9 and give her a 5oz cereal bottle at 930 and she sleeps 10 hours a night! Try putting something in/on the crib so your Lo can entertain itself and will probably fall back asleep. Try to not get baby unless he's crying hard a lot if time my daughter would wake up babbling and I would make her a bottle and feed her but she wasn't really waking up for a bottle I started just letting her babble and she would fall back asleep. I hope you find something that works well for you and baby!
  • Oops I just posted a post on this exact same topic...we are in the same boat! (:|
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