Potty training tips?

My daughter is 2 and I am having a difficult time potty training her so any tips or tricks would be awesome :)


  • Sticker chart. Worked with my 3 older kids and all my daycare kiddos. They went on a special trip to the store picked out the color of poster board they wanted, the stickers they wanted, & then got to help decorate it. 1sticker for a tinkle 2 for a poopy. Can depending on maturity of child do a reward for a certain #of stickers. Also, if you dont want a posterboard there are several sites with cute charts that they can pick the design. Such as Dora, Elmo, Diego, etc. Google potty training charts.
  • Oh...and try not touse pull ups except at bedtime and outtings. Panties let them feel the yucky pull ups hold it off them just like a diaper.
  • We have a 4 yr old we have had trouble with. But we have had no accidents for 2 days. :) please don't judge. We have been going through a rough time.
  • The key to potty training is solely for the child to be ready. In order for a child to potty train successfully, they must develop the mechanism to notice when they have to use the restroom. If they cannot realize this, they can't potty train.

    If she is telling you that she needs to go potty, then she is ready. When it takes months to a year to potty train, the child isn't ready. Once a child is ready, it should only take about a week to be done completely!

    Once ready, bring her to the restroom every 30 minutes. This is the fastest and most efficient way. If she doesn't want to do it, stop and wait a couple more weeks. I would give my daughter M&M's every time she went potty :)
  • Ok thank u guys!
  • edited March 2012
    Ive always heard that girls are easier to potty train than boys, so hopefully thats true for you lol. My son liked pennies though (every kid loves pennies). We had an easy time getting him to pee, but it took months for him to poop in it. He always waited until he had a pull-up on at night & THEN pooped. Just be patient & try to make it a positive experience. If she feels like you are getting upset, it will make it even harder. Take her to the store & let her pick out whatever "big girl" panties she wants, that way, she wont want to ruin them by peeing/pooping in them. Keep an eye on her fluid intake. I personally wouldnt just allow her to drink constantly throughout the day while potty training. When she has something to drink, put her on the potty 15-20 minutes later. If she doesnt go, tell her she did a good job for trying & then sit her back on it maybe 20 min later. There really isnt any one method that works for everyone. You know your child better than anyone else, but dont get discouraged if it doesnt happen right away. 2 yrs old is still fairly young & a lot of kids dont get it down until 3 or even later for some. Good luck! Update us on her progress :)
  • Thank you guys she seems ready she comes up to me n grabs herself when she's going but web I put her on the potty she doesn't do nothing do maybe bad timing? Lol
  • Getting them to do it the very first time is the hardest. Once she does it and realizes what you are wanting her to do, she'll have less trouble. Shes always gone in her diaper so its strange for her to suddenly be peeing outside of it lol
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