MIA for a while, but I now have a question about my daughters umbilical cord.

I think she has an umbilical granuloma. Her cord finally fell off today (she is one month today) and it has this kinda yellowish pink ball in the middle. Ill post a picture too. I was just wondering if it heals on its own or if i can treat it on its own? She wont be insured until her daddy gets back in 1-4 weeks, so we are trying to minimize doctor visits as much as possible since were paying out of pocket, but if we have to go then we will. Also could it be just a normal part of belly button tissue that hasnt healed yet?





  • My daughter had the same thing! The dr actually put some silver nitrate I think it's called on it...and it fell off in about a week or so. Her button looks perfect now!
  • Naliyah had that its like extra tissue it'll go away just keep on cleaning it with an alcohol pad and if it doesn't fix her pedi said they like do something to it like give an injection or something like that where its at...when you clean it make sure you like get in there like where it's still open
  • yeah my son had a granuloma and every developed prefectly fine...soo no worries mama
  • Wont they back date his insurance from the day your child was born? They did with my son & my husbands insurance
  • Silver nitrate hurt like hell they put some on me once and it hurt
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