Subject for Debate: Are Women People?

edited March 2012 in Current Events
You see, like most women, I was born with the chromosome abnormality known as “XX,” a deviation of the normative “XY” pattern. Symptoms of XX, which affects slightly more than half of the American population, include breasts, ovaries, a uterus, a menstrual cycle, and the potential to bear and nurse children. Now, many would argue even today that the lack of a Y chromosome should not affect my ability to make informed choices about what health care options and lunchtime cat videos are right for me. But others have posited, with increasing volume and intensity, that XX is a disability, even a roadblock on the evolutionary highway. This debate has reached critical mass, and leaves me uncertain of my legal and moral status. Am I a person? An object? A ward of the state? A “prostitute”? (And if I’m the last of these, where do I drop off my W-2?)

In the hopes of clarifying these and other issues, below I’ve recapped recent instances of powerful men from the fields of law, politics and literature tackling the question that has captured America’s imagination: Are Women People?

Case No. 1: U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes
The Recap: Following a 10-week maternity leave, a three-year employee of a Houston debt collection agency filed a sex discrimination suit, alleging she was fired for asking permission to bring a breast pump to work. Hughes sided with the company, but added that the truth of the plaintiff’s claim was irrelevant. “Lactation is not pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition,” he ruled in February, paraphrasing Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. “She gave birth on Dec. 11, 2009. After that day, she was no longer pregnant and her pregnancy-related conditions ended. Firing someone because of lactation or breast-pumping is not sex discrimination.”

What We Learned: Possession of naturally functioning secondary sex characteristics is a fireable offense; a woman with a fetus has more rights than a woman with a baby.

So, Are Women People? Only when they’re pregnant.

Case No. 2: Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and Alabama State Senator Clay Scofield
The Recap: Both lawmakers pursued—and then backed off from—laws that would require any woman getting an abortion to submit to the invasive procedure known as a transvaginal ultrasound and, in McDonnell’s words, “view her child.” “This was about empowering women with more medical and legal information that previously they were not required to get in order to give informed consent,” McDonnell said on March 2.

What We Learned: Acquiring informed consent isn’t necessarily consensual; having an eight- to ten-inch wand inserted into your vagina against your will is “empowering”; because they lack vaginas, some male politicians seek empowerment in different ways.

So, Are Women People? I’m guessing no, but you should ask Virginia delegate Kathy Byron, the woman who introduced the bill in her state.

Case No. 3: House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa
The Recap: The California congressman convened an all-male panel of clergy to discuss the mandate that insurance companies include coverage of birth control pills. He declined to include Sister Carol Keehan, president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association, which oversees some 1200 Catholic health organizations across the U.S., or Georgetown law student and activist Sandra Fluke, whose health plan does not cover contraception. Of the latter woman, Issa stated, “As the hearing is not about reproductive rights but instead about the [Obama] administration’s actions as they relate to freedom of religion and conscience, he believes that Ms. Fluke is not an appropriate witness.”

What We Learned: Freedom of conscience is not an appropriate topic for women to discuss; freedom from unplanned pregnancy, ovarian cysts, symptoms of endometriosis, irregular periods, migraines, and other health issues are not matters of public conscience; talking about icky body stuff is easier for dudes when ladies aren’t around.

So, Are Women People? If you look at photos of this hearing, you wouldn’t even know that women exist.

Case No. 4: Sad Loud Man in a Small Room Rush Limbaugh
The Recap: “Slut,” “prostitute,” “she wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex,” “we want you to post the videos online so we can all watch,” etc.

What We Learned: Taxpayers are billed across the board for private insurance plans; women who use birth control pills are not taxpayers; women whose insurance covers birth control pills are sluts and prostitutes; taxpayers enjoy watching movies about sluts and prostitutes.

So, Are Women People? They’re more like really expensive blow-up dolls.

Case No. 5: Novelist Jonathan Franzen
The Recap: His much-discussed recent New Yorker essay argued that novelist Edith Wharton is an unsympathetic figure due to her wealth, conservative political views and the fact that she “wasn’t pretty.” (She “might well be more congenial to us now if, alongside her other advantages, she’d looked like Grace Kelly or Jacqueline Kennedy.”) Her unprettiness, according to Franzen, contributed to the sexual dysfunction of her marriage, while her success as a writer caused her husband’s mental illness and underscored her antipathy toward her own sex—her friendships with writers of similar stature such as Henry James and André Gide, Franzen says, showed that “she wanted to be with the men and to talk about the things men talked about.”

What We Learned: Plain girls aren’t good in bed; female success is a brain-eating virus; a (female) writer forging relationships with other (male) writers is a form of penis envy; Jonathan Franzen might not think you’re pretty.

So, Are Women People? Not quite—they’re objects with certain people-like traits.

Case No. 6: Briefly Viable Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum
The Recap: He calls his wife “the rock which I stand upon.”

What We Learned: That’s apparently a compliment.

So, Are Women People? No, they’re rocks! Finally, a definitive answer. Thanks, Senator Santorum!


  • Bahahahaha this made me smile... I'm not entirely sure how to debate this whatsoever... I'm a rock!!!! Hahahahaha
  • It was just the title of the article :) Lol. I loved it, even though I disagree with the birth control mandate, but that's besides the point!
  • edited March 2012
    Nope. We're not people. We're SUPER people that can grow children! Far superior than the average male ;)
  • This was too long for me to read! Haha. I need to work on my abilities to focus!!! Sadness.
  • Lmao frickin' hilarious.
  • Fucking outrageous. I found the writing style highly entertaining but the content disgusting.
  • What do you mean @natashalynn? Her political views disgusting? Or her political beliefs?
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  • Id like to add my own little opinionated tidbit here; while I think mandatory transvaginal ultrasounds are wrong, I dont think that a mandatory standard ultrasound is a bad idea. Theres a new pro-life organization that Im loving right now called Save The Storks which is a bus that parks in front of abortion clinics. Instead of yelling or pamphlets or damnation, they just ask, would you like a free ultrasound?

    I think its a good way to let people know that there is help out there.
  • Sorry that was vague. Those examples were pretty horrifying.
  • @captainmorgaine, I agree. However, any reputable clinic will do an ultrasound because they have to date the pregnancy in order to perform one and to ensure that it is an intrauterine pregnancy. I hate pro-life organizations, but that one sounds very good!
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  • Yes that's true @rileyandme, but no one can force a woman to look at her ultrasound anyways.
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  • edited March 2012
    What do you mean too early for the procedure? I didn't know there was such a thing.

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  • Haha, lol. I get annoyed with people that get thrown up in arms about "controversial" topics so this wouldn't bother me at all! I am immensely against the abortion pill because it is extremely dangerous and needs to be closely monitored, which most clinics do not have the ability to do. I looked it up and you're right, most surgical abortions are performed after 5-6 weeks because of the need to visualize that there is a pregnancy in the uterus. Which furthers my belief that the pill is a horrible thing. What if the mother had an ectopic, was given the abortion pill and did not follow up with beta levels? They run the chance of a ruptured ectopic later down the line. Oh lord, here I go getting started again, lol. @rileyandme
  • (and this is the exact reason that banning abortion is a very, very dangerous thing, in my opinion.)
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  • edited March 2012
    @rileyandme, I see where you are coming from, but I disagree in a certain area. A doctor that is religious should not be allowed to keep a woman from an abortion and/or birth control, but...

    When it comes to the birth control mandate, I am completely and totally against it. The Constitution states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ....". Mandating a church to have insurance for birth control is unconstitutional, plain and simple. The state cannot tell a church what insurance and birth control they shall cover if they are against birth control. Some religions find birth control to be murder and a sin. For the state to force them to do something that they find morally objective is wrong in my book (even though I'm not religious).

    This bill requires all insurance companies to provide free birth control...but it is never free. SOMEONE has to pay for it. This means that everyone's insurance premiums go up and men, women, infertile and gays would be paying for birth control that they don't use. Would you like to be mandated to buy health insurance and pay extra for labor and delivery costs even though you have a hysterectomy? I sure as hell wouldn't. Lol.

    So, when you drive up the "demand" for BC, you drive up the cost. This doesn't make the BC makes it more expensive. It also doesn't help the poor because BC is already covered by Medicaid. It screws the entire middle class. There are so many options available for free and reduced cost birth control. Planned parenthood, free clinics, health departments, medicaid, etc. There's no need to enforce a birth control mandate.

    I didn't know if you were quite aware of what the mandate was all about, so I just gave you my take on the matter.
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  • You and me both! @rileyandme

    But Obama can keep his obamacare. [-(
  • Obamacare. :/ Truly frightening idea for anyone working healthcare. Garbage socialism.
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