heartless people

So we just got back from the Er and while we were waiting for my sister, the lady behind me starts choking. I get up to see for sure and her daughter was trying to help her so I ran all the way through the packed lobby from get help with my baby in my arms. I was yelling someone help that lady is choking and book one got up. Finally a nurse heard me and came. Wtf God help those people if they are ever in that situation!


  • That's nuts hope she was ok
  • Yea she's very sick. But when I left she was talking. The woman turned purple
  • WTF! Ugh people are messed up. What made her choke? like, what was she choking on?
  • Thats so sad but happens all the time. And part of it is bc of our laws I heard now days people r liable if anything happens to someone if they decide to help themselves but just getting professional help is allowed. So the fact that you were the only one is sad. I only heard this after I was in a bad car accident and no one stopped but I guess someone driving by called for the ambulance but kept driving. I was 17 at the time so it made me sad that no one stopped. It is very frustrating, so since then I always try and help.
  • Omg she turned purple? Thats scary. These days even in a hospital ppl become so selfish and cruel. People should be at least a little considerate.
  • I don't really know how to do the hemlich or exactly how I would help, but i definitely would have ran to the nurses station to get help at least! I dunno, maybe they thought the same thing and just froze? Still not a good excuse to not at least do something!
  • Omg is amazing that you were the only one to get up to help her.. what the hell is this world coming to.??
  • She came in sick and coughing and not breathing well. She had some sort of sucker the hospital gave her but evidently she choked on spit or something. This one family sat there with dirty looks on their face and were talking. I think this one family in front didn't speak English nd probably thought I was talking about my laughing baby I was carrying. There was at least 30 people there!
  • edited March 2012
    @jules When I was in training for my current job (cpr, first aid, etc) we were told that you can only be sued if you go above your level of training. For example, I can give cpr & even if I were to accidentally crack a rib (which is common) I cant be held liable, but if I were to try to perform a tracheotomy on someone (which is far above my medical training lol) THEN I could be held liable if someone sued. Im not sure if its like that in every state, but that is what the lady who was training told us. She works for the red cross btw. @proudmomma It was very nice you did what you could to help that person, and a shame that everyone else just sat there.
  • edited March 2012
    @jules you are protected by the "Good Samaritan Law" I couldnt remember the name, so I just looked it up
  • @davidnaadynsmama I think ur right ask thats why most people don't help they don't want to be responsible. Like I said it makes sense but I personally would at least stop and stay with the person until an ambulance came. And thats something I've done before.
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