second baby?

edited March 2012 in Military moms
So we had a talk and decided not to get back on birth control. I was on the pill it was recalled. I dont want to do the pill again because of all the recalls. So we talked about iud or implanion. But we dont want to wait 5 yrs for another baby. (i want a flat tummy again and my boobs fixed) i dont want to wait 5 yrs for all that. Plus, we only want two kids. Well my son is 8 months old. So were not trying for another but were not preventing it either. So we will see what happens. Any adivce?


  • My will be pregnant before you know it...why not use condoms? Or even the iud, you can take it out whenever you's good for five years, it doesn't mean you need to keep it in that long lol
  • You can have the iud removed before 5 yrs. I had it for only 1 year.
  • Btw I have a 6 year Old and an 8 month old as well...I couldn't imagine being prego right now :/...I would just think about it...and use condoms until you deicide you want another for sure
  • I had the 10 year Iud and got prego 3times witch lead to misscarriages and now I am 38 +3, with our 3rd girl.
  • I wish my kids were closer together, they are 3 years and 10 days apart. I say go for it if you guys are ready and finacially able to.
  • If you guys are ready, then go for it! Saying that you aren't "preventing it" is pretty much trying for another one. Lol. Without protection, I give it 6 months before you are looking at two lines on a test :) If you're not going to use protection, it would be a good idea to start taking your prenatals again and folic acid. Good luck!
  • @captivated well we have to use condoms for atleast three months do to my acne meds. I stop taking them.
    @my2boys we want them no more than 2-3 yrs apart. And we are finacially able
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  • Mine are 3 yrs apart and for us that's perfect! My oldest is able to help and he's old enough to do a few things himself if I'm feeding the baby.
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