


  • Most ppl wouldn't find this offensive if they used the search engine before posting. It will be nice to scroll through a different selection of topics instead of the same ones.
  • That and i was just venting I'm aloud to do that as much as the next prego on here......
  • @HUPE23_1 and what makes it super annoying is at 123 pm someon will post hey guys I'm tired and nauseus and my period is a week late can I be pregnant and so and so will comment on it and sya they have the same symptoms then that so and so person wil feel the urge to post there own post on the exact same topic at 128pm lol like suddenly the answers will be there within those five minutes..

    I get that its a new pregnancy but if someone just posted something and it had a general outcome then you don't really needto repost for the same general outcome. Ask the questions that haven't been asked three thousand times that day... please...
  • Thank that's all i was say
  • I just want to point out to all the people "complaining" about the same topics being posted over and over 1 you DON'T have to read these posts, look at them, or comment on them. 2 unless you look forever and ever the question you are asking might not pop up right away. 3 everyone is different and I know I am here for support. I am a first time mom and when weird stuff happens to me I love knowing I have this sight to ask all my stupid questions so I don't have to call my midwife over every gas bubble or cramp.
    Maybe you should take into consideration people are here for comfort and not to be judged by some annoyed person who makes the mistake of reading every post she see. I'm not trying to be mean but I have posted and asked questions about feeling the baby move. Just remember live and let live!
  • Did u even read what i was talking about i was talking about the girls who come on here asking if they are pregnant before they even missed their period. I have no problem with question about pregnacy cuz i have a lot to but really the am i pregnant ones are getting old and i don't read them all so idk why y'all are getting offened at my post nobody asked you to read it either just saying.......
  • Umm is this the post where I can find out if im prego? My pd is late :/ (jp lightening up the mood) lol :p
  • Ummmm.. no but there are a bunch of other post that will all tell you that u are and not to bother with a test lmao......;p
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