i need help

i love breastfeeding & i dont want to stop completly but i would love any tricks you ladies know to get my babygirl to take formula more regularly. she is almost 5 months & i give her oatmeal 2 times a day most days unless we are out. i know my supply will drop with supplimenting :) hopefully you ladies have some tricks


  • Can I ask why you are needing to use formula rather than pump and use breast milk?
  • If you plan on supplementing, then you will most likely be finished breastfeeding within the month. The best way to get her to take formula is by mixing half with breastmilk. That's how pediatricians recommend switching. It is much easier on their systems and tastebuds :)
  • @ashley_smashley i only pump at work bcuz i hate hate hate pumping its annoying & sore lol when my pump time comes at work i sigh. i dont want to give her formula all the time just when we are out & about at family functions so i can have a drink or 2 & daddy can help. she drinks formula at my babysitters house (my grama) but she will fuss when it comes to me. i know that is normal but i will not be breastfeeding forever & she needs to get used to it.
  • @captivated does that work if i dont give her a bottle everyday? she drinks it from my grama & will most times from me it just seems like when we are out she wants bm! like if she is fussy & tired she only wants bm but will tolerate it when she is happier.
    well she does get bottles everyday while im at work but should i make them half half if she already drinks the formula bottle from her?
    sorry im scattered i got a needy nosey baby lol
  • have you tried leaving the room while hubby fed her.. when shes hungry but not to the point of fussiness.. ??? If thats the way ya gotta do it.. then hubby or even a friend could try..
  • @la3 she eats it from others but not when im around all of a sudden.
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