So my dd is here and ...........

No baby :( So happy I am getting induced on April 2nd. I have been done since 36 weeks. Anyone else on here go past there due date? If so what was your experience? This is my first time.


  • I went one week past with my first. Misery!! With my second, I went into labor at 38 weeks. Thank god! I was induced at 41 weeks. Labor was five hours, but she was not ready to come and I spent almost 2 hours pushing her out. The pitocin was accelerating her heartrate and had to be stopped in order to allow her to recover. On the way out, her heart stopped and was born not breathing from the intensity of the contractions from the pitocin. They took her and it was seven hours before I could see her. Looking back, I wish that I had waited for the time to come, for my body and baby to be ready! However, inductions are performed every day and mom and baby are almost always fine :)

    Second labor on my own lasted less than 2hrs and about 3 minutes of pushing! So much different than an induction!
  • edited March 2012
    @Captivated Yeah I have had 2 natural labors. So I know this will be way different. I hope I don't experience all that. Did you have an epi?
  • I went over by 6 days, went into labour on my own. It all happened fairly quick, I hadn't dilated, lost mucous plug, no noticeable bh etc beforehand. My waters broke at 2pm, contractions started few hours later, got to hospital at around 10pm & only dilated to 1cm! After short walk & a long bath by 3am when I was next checked was at 5cm, don't know how long before fully dilated or how long I pushed as lost all concept of time but had my little one at 7.50am it wasn't a great delivery, had to have forceps & episiotomy but its amazing how quick you forget about all the bad bits :)
  • I did, but I was active duty and at a Naval Hospital. The anesthesiologist refused to do my epi and wanted his trainee to do it. She had never administered one, but I allowed her. She messed it up and it fell out. Once it did, I told him that I wanted HIM to do it and he looked at me and said, "Well, do you want the epi or not?" and said that if I wouldn't allow her to do it, then I wouldn't get one. She did it again and messed it up. Then again and it only numbed the outside of my thighs. He said that I was one of the 2% of women that epis don't affect...

    But I had one with my son and it worked pretty well until it wore off!

    Your induction will probably be fine! And who knows, maybe baby will surprise you right before it!
  • I went 2 weeks over!!! I went into labour on my inducton date but bubba was posterior so I was at home with cramping which turned into intense contractions for as long as possible, 22hrs, and when I got to hospital I was only a 4cm :( they were gunna send me home but when they monitored me I was having high taco readings which ment my contractions where BIG and PAINFUL and I was not only having one and then a 3 min break, I was having TWO in a row!!!! So 7 hrs later and unable to walk I finally started pushing and 17mins later she was born! I thought after going so far over that she would have come out a lot quicker. She also didn't have peeling skin like most "overbaked" babies do. And at the time, we didn't really use internet on phones and I was really younge so I didn't use any of the "techniques" to get her out. I didn't have a partner so the only thing I used which I read about was nipple stimulation.
  • I was due 9/11 last year. Induced 9/15 & he was born 9/16 via c-section..bad experience for me. Had a very high fever & blood pressure dropped really low, & baby wouldn't go through my pelvis :/ but after the c-section everything was great :D
  • Oh & when I was induced I wasn't even dilated yet :(
  • @clope18 @mummy_to_be @captivated @willothewisp
    Well I have have been 3 cm for 6 weeks now, and having lots of bh. I am deathly afraid of having a c section.
    Peeling skin?? Never heard of it. O my I am really getting scared!!! X_X
  • I went 14 days past my dd with my first and it was misery!!!! i went 10 days past my dd with my second and it was misery!!!! and for my third they induced me a week early because of complications! I due in 12 weeks with this one and its already been misery so who knows what will happen...
  • Hmm that sucks :( I find out today if I'm dialated. Yeah when the vernix comes away which it starts to do now (36weeks) the babys skin isnt protected anymore. By 40 weeks it should all be gone, maybe just a little left but once you go over due it has all come away. Its that white waxy stuff that covers the baby. Anyway without that, babys skin can get peely sort of like sun burn. Mostly on there fac
  • :( oh that's sad! I want to to come out on her own so bad :(
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  • @jdensma Ugh 2 weeks past due date how did you make it? How big was baby? Any skin problems? Sorry I have tons of ?s
  • Holy cow, how on earth did u women all go over for sooooo long. What a nightmare! My first was 7 days over, second was 5 days over and third came on her due date. @Heather3rdgirl dont worry ur self. Baby will come. Hang in there. I hope everything goes smooth for u. Good luck! :)
  • Mine started to come on her dd, at 2am so I figured I'd have her by the afternoon.....ha, guess again!! I didn't have her til 119 am on the 25th, almost 24 hours later. This was not an induction. I am sooooo jealous of those who had quick labors! :/
  • Thanks guys I am just getting so nervous and worried, and I know its because I have never been here before. @melissa1187 Aww sounds rough.
  • edited March 2012
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  • edited March 2012

    See I feel the same but I have a scheduled induction because of being over due. I have had 2 natural births and would love nothing more than this one to be the same. So I am just hoping to have her before then. Skin problems for your son? Oh my 9 lbs I so hope not, my girls were 6 pds (imo perfect size), I say this because I'm a little person 4' 11". Because of being tiny I can't hold much more or get to much bigger without risk.
    So glad your labor went to smooth, it gives me hope :)
  • C-section isn't as bad as you think. If I have anymore kiddos I definitely want a c-section :D I had a very quick & great recovery
  • This is my first baby so I have no idea about any of this, and now hearing some of these ladies labor stories make me more nervous then before :-ss

    Good luck @Heather3rdgirl I think you'll just fine. :-D
  • edited March 2012
    @clope18 I am really deathly terrified of it! I don't know how else to explain it. Glad you had a good experience with it. I just don't know if I can handle it.
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  • @jdensma Aww Thanks. Yay that would be awsome :) Yes I am very short, you put me next to my bf and its super cute and funny he is 6' 2"
  • Yeah I was the same way. When I was preggo I was soooo terrified of the thought of even having a csection...but honestly, regular labor was 10x worse for me. Csection was a piece of cake. mine was an emergency csection but I was in and out within 10 minutes :D
  • @clope18 oh wow that's awsome. My labors were super easy lasted less than 30 mintues after they broke my water 3 pushes for my first and 5 pushes for my second.
    Not to get to personal but can you still see where they cut you? Oh how long before you could get in water? My friend had a c section her scar is horrible and her baby is 6 months old and she can barely pick her daughter up it still hurts so bad. The doctors told her she is fine that its normal to still have pain they cut a muscle.
  • Yeah you can still see it, but only if I take my clothes off, my panties cover it up. & sometimes it's sore but not all the time. Wow you had short labors, I was in labor for over a day :/ & I was in the water the next day to shower
  • @clope18 I was asking about the water because I am a swim teacher. If everything goes well with my labor I plan on being back in the pool 2 weeks after I have her. Can I do that if I have a c section?
  • I don't see why not ;/ I was taking showers the next morning & water made the incision feel better :D
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