Has anyone here found out...

edited March 2012 in Second Trimester
What you are/were having early? I know that it is unlikely before 18-20 weeks but I just wanted to hear your experiences! I have a ultrasound on Thursday and I will be 15 weeks, 2 days and I am crossing my fingers and toes that they will see something between the legs! So far my ultrasounds have been really clear so I hope baby cooperates. I will have my official anatomy scan 3 weeks after this one so I will have more confirmation then.


  • I found out at 15weeks, he had it out there for the world to see lol.
  • Lol, well hopefully if mine is a boy he won't be shy either! @prayin4agurl
  • I found out at 15 and a half weeks with my daughter. They had me come back after 16 weeks to reverify, but she still had all her little girl parts and no boy parts LOL.
  • Thanks @LilSugarsMomma you guys are giving me hope! I want to find out so badly, its driving me crazy! Boy or girl, I will be equally excited!
  • I found out at 14 weeks with my son. I go On april 4 to find out with this one. I will be between 14 and 15 weeks. I go to a ultrasound place and pay for them. They are guaranteed 100% accurate.
  • My friend found out at 14 weeks with both of her pregnancies..and it was right.
  • Oh wow! So early :) thank you guys for responding. @LaFiiTz89 what kind of ultrasound place do you go to? It sounds like a place I would like to go lol
  • I'm in cali. But they have them all over just google ultrasounds in your city ave they should pop up. Usually you get pics printed and a dvd of your session it all depends on the package you choose
  • Oh okay, thank you! I will check it out if I don't find out at my appointment. @LaFiiTz89
  • Oh okay, thank you! I will check it out if I don't find out at my appointment. @LaFiiTz89
  • Whoops, double post
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