@MamaKat @HomeBirthAdvocate

edited March 2012 in About App & Forum
I tagged you two in the discussion because I have noticed that inbox messages are mostly bypassed and wall postings go mostly unnoticed on your walls.

Is there a way you can just ban an unwanted account rather than delete it? I would like to still review my threads for memory and book purposes but I don't want to post any longer. Is this an option? Very curious.


  • ... why not just NOT post then?? outa curiosity...
  • @RedShadoe0 That's an option I'm considering, but I am so willing to help my good friends, I probably wouldn't be able to resist.
  • My thoughts exactly @redshadoe0. Seems to make more sense.
  • No don't leave!! I had to delete Palringo because my lame phone ran out of memory lol.
  • @starrxoxo9 Lol. I'm not sure if I want to leave. I have been contemplating it for almost 3 months. Weighing the pros and cons. Your phone ran out of memory and you choose PAL to delete?! :P
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  • Ha ha I know. I need to re evaluate my priorities lol
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate Thank you for responding! :)
  • No, don't leave! I know I've never talked to you but I love all your post and what you have to say. I always look forward to reading your opinions. You havent posted much recently but don't let anyone here get to you!! Sorry, I know this was random but just wanted to say dont leave or stop posting!!!
  • @tryin4babymoore Thank you for the kind words! I just almost feel like I've over stayed my welcome. I dunno. I seemed to be liked and 'strong' when my life was falling apart, but when I post other things, or offer advice, it's not nearly as important. I wanted to be part of the support here since I was supported throughout my hardship. Don't get me wrong, I am ever so thankful for that support when I had nobody to turn to. I wouldn't be married today if it weren't for some of the support I received. But I guess what I have to say is only nice when I'm in tears or hurting. I don't know what happened honestly. I guess I should only comment/post about things that pertain to the sad, pathetic life I was living 8 months ago. People sometimes "like" (for lack of better wording), when there is sympathy to be dealt.
  • @Fate Aww I have been here since December and never felt that way about you. I think you are being way to hard on yourself. After all we are always the hardest on ourselves. :)
  • @Heather3rdgirl You know what, you're absolutely right.
  • edited March 2012
    @fate, I've seen the advice you've given and think many people appreciate it more than you think. My LO was born about a week after yours and I've struggled with ppd since late September. I wish I could kick its arse to the curb! It has put a serious damper on my motivation and self esteem. I'm currently trying to finish my thesis and I'm so hyper sensitive that I feel no one cares or that I'm being picked on. I hate it!

    I guess I'm telling you this becuz I think I know exactly how you're feeling, minus the pregnancy hormones. There have been a couple times I've made hasty decisions and regretted it. I think you're pretty astute to think it through instead of just jumping the gun.

    Good luck. I hope your ride levels out soon. I'm still waiting. Boy, I can't wait!

  • I gave eBay the boot, and palringo is back in action ;)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • That girl was trippin please stay
  • Uve given me great advice before sometimes wen nobody else or very few people replied :)
  • @fate sorry you have to stay. I forbid you from leaving
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I've told u this before but ur AWESOME!! Love ur posts and advice... u r a strong woman!
  • Well thank you ladies. I mean, I REALLY thank you. I will try to get everyone's emails/FB if it comes down to this. >:D<
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