Last week
of the first trimester. 13w1d today!! Baby is stuck like chuck. lol
Saw my Dr. last week and everything looked and sounded good. I do have marginal placenta previa but she said since I have not had any bleeding nor spotting it is not cause for concern at this moment but to monitor my physical activity and take it easy for a while. At my next two appointments (15 and 18 wks), she is going to take another look and if the placenta is still a little close to my cervix I'll be put on bed and pelvic rest. It will likely move though.
What's so exciting about it all is we're not finding out the sex this time! :X I cannot wait to hear it's a boy/girl at the birth! Oh so special! ♥
That's about it for me, how are the other October mommies out there?
Saw my Dr. last week and everything looked and sounded good. I do have marginal placenta previa but she said since I have not had any bleeding nor spotting it is not cause for concern at this moment but to monitor my physical activity and take it easy for a while. At my next two appointments (15 and 18 wks), she is going to take another look and if the placenta is still a little close to my cervix I'll be put on bed and pelvic rest. It will likely move though.
What's so exciting about it all is we're not finding out the sex this time! :X I cannot wait to hear it's a boy/girl at the birth! Oh so special! ♥
That's about it for me, how are the other October mommies out there?