13 weeks and scared please help

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
So I have my next doctors appointment on Wednesday and I'm scared that theres nothing in there anymore. I haven't gained any weight and I'm still not showing my morning sickness is gone and I'm just worried. Does or did anyone else feel like this. I would have known if I lost the baby right ?


  • u would likely know I didnt gain snt weight till 20weeks n this is my 3rd pregnancy its pretty normal 2yo get scaref between now n about 18-20weeks when u feel bub move
  • @Katie It's not uncommon for a woman to not gain any weight in the first trimester. I'm somewhere between 16-20 weeks & I haven't gained anything but the baby's fine. I can feel him/her kicking & moving. If you haven't had any horrible cramping, bleeding or or a change in discharge coloring then you shouldn't worry yourself. When I miscarried I was in horrible pain. Keep your head up & concentrate on the good things. Worrying about something you can't control only adds stress to you & the baby & that's not good.
  • I'm 30 weeks and still haven't gained. People tell me I look like I'm losing weight. Of course my belly is getting bigger. I've been the same weight for 3 months. I only had morning sickness for a few weeks. I think you woukd know if you lost the baby. I would not worry about it.
  • Most of your weight gain should be at the beginning of the third trimester so don't worry. And the second trimester is meant to be where you feel your best so try relax and enjoy it before you get big and tired! I'm 36 weeks pregnant, got weighed today and have only gained 2 kg this whole pregnancy! But baby's fine, we all just carry differently and have individual pregnancies! Good luck and I hope everything goes well for you. :-)
  • edited February 2011
    The same thing happened to me! Both baby and I are fine and I'm now 31 weeks. I lost weight at first, didn't start showing till about 16 weeks, and my nausea went away at about 13 weeks. I have had very little pregnancy symptoms. Each person and each pregnancy will be different. Don't worry yourself about it though because it isn't good for either of you. I went through the same feelings and worries....I remember it clearly. But as I got further along I started to feel her move and that gives me peace of mind. That won't happen for you for some time now....your still very early. Things will kick off for you soon....just hang in there, take your vitamins, drink PLENTY of water, and eat healthy. Try doing some prenatal yoga too....its good for both you and baby and will help relax your mind. Good luck and hang in there.
  • Im 13 weeks. Lost my symptoms at 11 weeks but had ob appt at 12. Baby was fine and i've lost a pound.
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