facebook troubles and drama!!

edited February 2011 in Teen moms
So everyone has been happy for me being pregno and stuff! I went on facebook and someone made a fake account and said (I hope ur baby come out with one arm, leg,and eye and said they hope the baby comes out full of acne) it was a fake account! Who does stuff like that it really piss's me off!! Y can't people just say nothing if it going to be mean??


  • U know ppl r idiots. Don't worry about it. Don't even address it! Some ppl lives are miserable n wants urs to b the same. Keep ur head up sweetie !
  • That's so f**** up! Sounds like a very sick person!! People like that get what they deserve sooner or later. Ah don't stress it I am sure your baby will come out fine. Whoever wrote that needs to get a life. & just know that some people are always miserable so they get a kick out of trying to make others as miserable as them. Sounds like u were dealing with a child though lol.
  • Are you kidding?! That is so disrespectful and childish! Please dont stress you and your beautiful over ignorant, jealous individuals.
  • Sounds like someone is very jealous. You can report them to facebook. If it happens repeatedly I'm sure you can get them IP banned for a little while at least
  • Cant you see the email of the account? Or were they smart enough to cover their tracks?
  • My ex told me to my face he hopes I fall and lose my baby. He always made comments if I drove off like "don't crash" and I had to fly to visit family and he said he hoped the plain crashed and killed my child.... there are crazy people out there!!!! That was all when I was pregnant with my son. I'm 30 weeks now and he doesn't know because I don't want to hear what he has to say. I think he's just jealous! We were together for 14 years and have 2 kids together. We split 8 years ago and I'm married now on my second baby with my husband. I just think some people are so unhappy with their life they and upset those that are happy. Trust me I know the words hurt but in the end they are just words. Your baby feels what you feel so don't let them make your baby sad!!
  • @Sam_first_time_mommy
    Girl please dnt let tht stuff get to you ppo r hater and want to see yu fail...brush it off..Facebook ruined my relationship with my boyfriend now he is just my bby daddy its drama I deleted mine..
  • Thanks girls!! <3 I blocked the person and I knew it was a fake account so I reported it as fake! It didn't upset me as much as it did my boyfriend he was so mad I think I could see smoke off his head lol! :) thanks for the help and I found out who he was it was my ex from arizona we where together for 5 years till I moved here to minnesota! Ohh well maybe people shouldn't cheat!!
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