Dear future mothers, (full letter)

edited March 2012 in Pregnant
Dear future mothers,

Yes, being pregnant is hard. Between the morning sickness, swollen feet & ankles, crazy cravings, unexplainable urges to cry, random weight gain, unpredictable stretch marks, and strong kicks that wake you up at 4 in the morning you just might think you're soon to go crazy. But through it all remember the most remarkable God given thing is happening to you. A new life, a little you. is growing steadily inside you. Cherish the moments you and your baby have during these 9 months. Create a bond with your little one while you still have them all to yourself. Feeling a baby kick and move through someone else's tummy is amazing, but it's even better when you feel it first hand through yours. YOU are the first person your baby depends on. YOU are the first person your baby meets. YOU are the first person your baby trusts. And YOU are the first person your baby LOVES.

Don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed with your emotions. Being young and pregnant, or rather just being pregnant in general, can really take a mental toll. You may not know how to feel or you may even be disappointed in yourself because of how others feel. This will be a time in your life where you really learn who is there for you and who isn’t. People who you don’t even know may try to judge you simply because of what they see. DO NOT let anything discourage you. Keep in mind the life you want for your baby and always remember, “I can, and I will”. Nothing of great height in life comes with complete ease, but whatever the great achievement is that you plan for your life, know that you can, and you will.

Don’t neglect yourself. You may feel overwhelmed with getting together all the things you need for your precious bundle but remember to take time out for yourself. Ask for a foot rub, ask for a back-rub, or ask for someone to cook you a good home meal. Don’t try to take on the world right now; you’ll have plenty of time to be supermom during the next 18 years of your life. Take and set aside an hour or two for an afternoon nap, or just sit in a room alone with your favorite hobby or snack and sit and feel those little movements of love your little one tends to give you so often. Relaxing will never feel so good as it will right now and right now relaxing is something you just could never get too much of!

Love your baby, & love yourself. Enjoy the months ahead of you, and the years that come so quickly after your baby is born. When you feel like you have nobody left in the world, remember, there will always be someone who will have love in their eyes when they look at you, and their heart full of joy when you hold them, your child.


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