Carseat question!

edited March 2012 in Ages & Stages
When can I put my almost 7 month old in a bigger carseat? He is still in the same one he has been in since he was born and he weigh like between 20-22 lbs. We were looking at the up right ones with air bags anyone know if they are as good as they sound?


  • I put my daughter in a convertible carseat around that time. We were moving 8 hours away and she HATED her infant carseat. I'm so glad I put her in the New one she LOVES it!
  • @navybabyonway why are they called convertible carseats?? Jw I'm a ftm...
  • I'm a FTM too! They go from Facing back yo facing forward. The one we have hold up to like 85lbs or something so we ain't need to buy her a New seat at all.
  • @navybabyonway Omg Omg he gets to face forward now yay!!!!! Thank you!!! I can't wait to go shopping now! I'm soooo excited! Being a mom rocks!!! :)
  • He cannot face forward until 1 year old AND 20 lbs. Recommended to actually wait until 2 to forward face. Buy a convertible though. Babies seem to like to sit up.
  • @chels they're convertible bc they also go to a booster. Mine goes up to 100lb as a booster. Like @fate said it's not recommended to front face til at least a yr old but should be 2. We moved my son into a convertible @ 6 months bc the carrier was too heavy for me and he loves his carseat now. He would scream in the infant carrier.
  • She meant they're called convertible car seats because they can face either way. Your baby is too young to face forward.
  • @starrxoxo9 thanks for clarifying! Eventually he can face forward, but not now
  • How do you put them backwards in a convertible carseat?
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