5 month olds first cold?

edited April 2012 in Babies Health
i think my 5 month old is coming down with her first cold
i know i have one.she doesnt seem to have s temp.just coughing and sneezing.should i call her Dr or what should i do


  • Yeah not much you can do for the cough. Baby vicks like Kristaf22 said. Try a humidifier in the room and/or run a steamy shower n sit with the baby in the bathroom.
  • edited April 2012
    Try sitting in the bathroom for 20 minutes while the shower is on hot, try Lil noses and suction her boogies after, a vaporizer at night....how does her cough sound? Wet, dry, productive, non productive? listen closely after she coughs, do you hear any wheezing? If your concerned, just take her to the doc. I never feel dumb for taking my kids to the doc even if it's a small thing. I took my daughter into the doc once because she had a cough (her only symptom) and they told me she had an ear infection! So I was happy I went in even though they don't really do much, if anything at all, for coughs alone. Good luck, I hope she gets better soon.
  • @summergirl22 thank u. her cough is dry and she doesn't have a runny nose where me im completely opposite.the weather is so up and down here lately one day its 80 then drops to 40.
  • That's good that she has no runny nose! Runny noses do more damage sometimes than you might think. Like ear infection :( is it worse when she's sleeping? You can also try elevating her head. I hope she gets better quickly. Sick children are so sad! You just want to make them better. :(
  • @summergirl22 shes still her perky self.not fussy at all.ive been running the humidifier and she slept in her swing. dr gave me the ok and she sees him Wednesday. but yes its not bad just more noticeable at night.
  • Awe that's good, she'll be better in no time :)
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